Just buy 1 chicken egg and 1 beer, you have beautiful skin like that

To have a smooth, smooth white skin, many women have spent a lot of tens of millions to bathe white, there are also people who choose to buy expensive cosmetics and creams but the effect is not as expected. Few people know that, there is a formula for skin whitening which is both safe and affordable but effective very quickly. It is using beer and chicken eggs, less than 20 thousand VND but able to make white skin tone, smooth as a baby.

Everyone knows that chicken eggs and beer are the beauty elixir of women, especially when combining them together the effect is multiplied many times. By the protein component in chicken eggs also prevents aging and smooth, elastic skin better. Beer and minerals, vitamins will reduce the pigment melanin causes skin tan and helps skin firm, plump.

To get a skin care formula from beer and chicken eggs, just follow the instructions below.

1. Materials to be prepared:

- 1 can of beer

- 1 chicken egg (prefer chicken eggs, the better the better)

- 1 tablet of royal jelly (or replaced with 1 tablespoon of pure honey)

- 1 teaspoon white seed salt

- Mixing bowls and spoons

2. How to do it

- After buying chicken eggs, you beat eggs, remove the bowl and then put 1 teaspoon of grain salt.

- Use the tip of a knife or the needle to get the liquid in the royal jelly tablet (if you do not have a spoon of pure honey), squeeze the milk into a bowl of chicken eggs and salt mixture.

- Pour beer slowly into the bowl, pour slowly and estimate half a can of beer, do not dilute because diluting the mixture will not bring the best effect.

- Stir with spoon until a homogeneous, gelatinous mixture is obtained.

3. How to use the mixture

- Use a clean shower gel and warm water to remove dirt, while allowing the hair follicles to expand, helping the hair follicles to absorb nutrients in the best way.

- Rinse thoroughly for all shower gel and use a soft, light cloth so that the surface of the skin is still moist, do not dry out, and then begin to apply the mixture of beer and eggs on top.

- Apply the mixture to your skin and gently massage for 2-3 minutes so that the nutrients penetrate deeply into the cells. Then save the mixture and relax for another 15 - 20 minutes.

- Wash your body with water then use a towel to dry the skin and apply an extra layer of cream if desired to drown out the fishy smell of the egg.

- Every week, you apply this formula 2 times, after 2 weeks you will see clearly improved skin.

Some notes when applying the whitening formula with beer + chicken eggs:

- This formula makes your skin more susceptible to sun exposure, so make sure to protect yourself when you go out in the sun with a mask, a long-sleeved shirt and apply sunscreen regularly to avoid getting caught again.

- Only mixed once used up that time, should not do much then use gradually because during storage can degenerate, causing skin allergies.



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