Looking for the reason that made the round 3 more and more slumped and lost points

Practicing wrong technique

Regular exercise is great for your health, especially to help your breasts become fuller and firmer. However, if you practice the wrong technique, not only improving the measurement of the buttocks is not effective, but on the contrary it accidentally backfired, causing the chest to become increasingly flat and unbalanced.

Unscientific diet

The mistake of many women is to often think that the diet is not related to the ring. If you regularly eat fast foods, processed foods that contain a lot of fat, then when you enter the body, they will be transformed into excess fat, making your buttocks become loose, less firm. On the contrary, if the diet is too harsh or excessive weight loss will cause the body to quickly fall into a state of nutritional deficiencies, the consequence is that the round 3 will increasingly shrink.

Therefore, in order to have a beautiful round, they must have a healthy diet, balanced protein food groups, foods with good fats, foods high in fiber, good starches and supplements. Add multivitamins if necessary. In addition, you need to actively eat lots of green vegetables, drink enough water . and must increase your activity as much as possible.

Sit too long

Sitting a lot and being sedentary is a habit of most office ladies. Many people often think this is a harmless habit; However, it can have a great impact on health.

And when the body is inactive for a long time, the glutes will quickly 'degrade' and become 'flat'. Besides, sitting too much hinders blood circulation, making the buttock skin pinch, rough, unsightly.

Instead, even when studying or working, every 1 hour, you should stand up and move around, move a bit. At the same time, you should sit with your back straight, not leaning forward or leaning back to balance gravity to help prevent the buttocks deformed or sagging due to sitting too much. This has limited effects on the buttocks but is also better for health.


When stressed, cortisol hormone is produced in excess, which makes the body tend to consume more sugar, creating a premise for fat accumulation on the body, especially the buttocks. When your butt accumulates too much fat and you do not regularly exercise, this fat will become loose, making your butt loose and less firm.

Therefore, in order to own a full and full buttock, it is necessary to relax and balance life. Along with that you should also exercise or exercise every day to round 3 toned, more sexy.



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