Lose weight in 3 days thanks for vegetarians

Principles of nutrition to lose weight

Eat more fiber

Fiber is one of the most essential components of a sample diet to lose fat stomach fast. When mixed with water, food, fiber helps digestion good all what you load on the body.

Fiber is one of the most essential components of a sample diet to lose belly fat fast.

Eat food containing carbohydrates

When you eat food that contains carbohydrates (bread, dough (pasta), beans, potatoes, rice and grain), it is stored as glucogen in muscles and the liver. Glucogen store water 3 times its weight, while FAT and protein do not store some water at all. Stored water means that the fat does not have much space to occupy.

Drink lots of water

While there are many who believe that drinking plenty of water can lead to bloating, then the truth is the reverse. When you drink more water, excess sodium in the body were flooded and reduce flatulence. Water is one of the essential elements of a sample diet to lose belly fat fast.

Vegetarian menu in 3 days

Day 1

Store water, fat, not much space to occupy.

Morning: no bread.

Mid morning: eating apples.

Lunch: rice with pumpkin soup to cook peanuts, add a time zone of grapefruit.

PM: Green Pumpkin Soup.

Day 2

Breakfast: rice vermicelli with dots of sauce, not beans.

Extra breakfast: drinking water filter.

Lunch: rice with broth, an Apple.

Between the afternoon can be used to add a cup of soy milk without sugar.

PM: rice with broth, sauteed cabbage tunnel gauge.

Day 3

Morning: Bun Rieu, vegetarian cucumbers.

Lunch: Rice, fried vegetables, boiled ham elected, 3 time zone grapefruit.

Afternoon: Amaranth soup with Rice, tofu mushroom sauce.=



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