Lose weight with coconut oil

According to the study of chemistry, coconut oil contain saturated fat, and more than half of which is derived from lauric acid – the only lipid to fight bacteria and improve cholesterol, cardiovascular health and protection.

The average chain of triglycerids in coconut oil will boost the heat, increase metabolism and burn calories. Triglyceridscon supports the function of the body, against the weight, at the same time do not create free radicals in the process of digestion and assimilation.

The average chain of triglycerids in coconut oil will boost the heat, increase metabolism and burn calories.

Thanks to the process of producing the hormone leptin, coconut oil helps the body fight the hunger because it is loạihormone signal to the brain to stop eating.

How to lose weight with coconut oil

Way 1:

2 tablespoons coconut oil into the yogurt and leave in the refrigerator. While eating you will not feel bored because the coconut oil was freezing, slowly melts in the mouth and turns liquid. After that, the nutrients from cooking oil will seep into the body and promoting effect of reduced fat gradually.

Method 2:

To lose weight with coconut oil, you should first become familiar with body to coconut oil slowly. First, we should only use 2 spoons per day, then increased to 4 spoons, this way not only to lose weight but also help enhance health.

Method 3:

For the mixture of pure coconut oil 2 tablespoons with yogurt and leave in the refrigerator. While eating you will not feel bored because the coconut oil was freezing, slowly melts in the mouth and turns liquid. After that, the nutrients from cooking oil will seep into the body and promote gradual slimming effects.

Tips when using coconut oil to lose weight

Lose weight with coconut oil delivers high performance.

If you have never used coconut oil before, let's start with one teaspoon a day and slowly increased from 3 to 6 tablespoons daily. This will help the body regulate the beneficial effects and help fast weight loss with coconut oil.

Coconut oils that you choose is also important because the organic substances from coconut oil refined yet is the best choice because it retains all the healthy essence of natural oil.

How to make coconut oil to lose weight safe

Materials: dried flaked coconut 1 kg available + 2 cups boiling water, 1 + 1 Filter sieve Pan

How to do:

Pureed dried coconut, pour 2 cups boiling water to soak, about 15 minutes. Squeezed by a sieve or juice Extractor bucket towel. For the coconut onto the stove, turn heat to a fast simmer.

When boiling, then turn the small coconut, stirring constantly to not fire. After a time, coconut oil in slowly, have the class make a condensate form down under, still to small for the coconut lightly boiling. When the class cợn turn yellow, coconut oil is off the kitchen.=



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