Nail 'bay' wart Super speed

Castor oil seeds and baking soda (baking powder)

Castor oil seeds are extracted into oil and sell more at the supermarket or shop cosmetics, baking soda sold in the drugstore. When acting on the trace of acne, we can absorb every molecule of water, nutrients, preventing the growth of the warts dried gradually and atrophy, causing them to fall off after just two weeks.

Castor oil seeds are extracted into oil and sell more at the supermarket.

Mix the Castor oil and baking powder by 1/3, made into a mask of cut up on the skin wart, so until they dry out then remove and clean the skin with cold water. Do it once a day, in two weeks, the stain of wart will disappear completely.

Nail paint

Nail has the effect of large pole in the wart wiped off your skin.

The main components of the paint nails, methylmethacrylate (MMA), a type of chemical adhesives used in the paint, when smeared them onto the wart, skin that they likely sealed and halted the capillaries deliver oxygen to develop acne, causes warts to gradually disappear and go skin atrophy.

A small dot dot nail up acne, to rice for 1 hour, then use alcoholic solution of bleach to clean the stain remover, nail paint. This cleanser also has extreme effects in the wart wiped off your skin.

Perform this operation on a once and done continuously for two weeks will give more effectively.

Note: You must use the painting nails originating source, avoid buying are counterfeit, phony goods, easy for skin allergy, will cause more acne condition worsens.

In addition, Apple Cider vinegar, Vaseline is also used to treat warts by massaging the skin have acne over the 20-30 minutes each day.

Perilla leaf

The cheers of the leaf and then squeezed sauce on the rice seeds.

In the evening, fresh perilla leaves, washed, retire and then squeezed into the rice seed sauce (wart), to spend the night.


Take the slime (plastic) of the tree Aloe dot up acne.

Using a piece of cotton or a soft cloth to seep small retrieved slime (plastic) of the tree Aloe, Aloe Vera leaf double split way. Then seep up wart Mole within about 1 minute. Or you can use the strapping cloth (cotton) has a plastic tree Aloe acne up every day for several hours.


Cut the potatoes into slices, thin cut no attention too. Then rubbing up acne blemishes or acne skin regions of the rice. Done several times per day.


Spicy garlic mashed up up acne rice, used bandages. Should do before going to bed and remove the gauze out early the next day.

The United States Administration

Small onion add a bit of salt, up up acne.

Small onion add a bit of salt, up up acne rice, use gauze or soft cloth tape back to through the night. Persistence is done in some time you will have the result as Italy.=



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