Notes when washing your face - This is extremely helpful advice from experts and bloggers

Choose the wrong cleanser

Choosing a skin-based cleanser is paramount because it directly affects your skin. Girls with absolutely dry skin should not choose deep cleanser with cleansers to prevent skin from becoming "drought", cracking.

Girls with oily skin should not "remove" the lubricant immediately by choosing a cleanser that contains too much strong detergent. Because excessive cleansing stimulates greasy glands to secrete more. In fact, it works in the sebaceous and sweat glands in a way that helps create an external coating to protect your natural skin.

Wash your face and forget to wash your hands

One of the disastrous mistakes of her face when washing her face is to give her face cleanser directly to her hands, beat her cotton and wash her face and forget to clean her hands beforehand. Skin and nail bacteria will make your face wash "cup work".

The trick for you is to place a bottle of hand wash right next to the cleanser to not forget to clean the hands first.

Skin massage in the wrong way

Skincare professionals who are well trained will understand the skin texture and the appropriate movements to manipulate your skin. Because, if you don't go in the right direction, you will be counterproductive. The facial muscles will sag, less firm and accelerate the appearance of signs of aging.

The easiest way to perform massage treatments at home is to massage in a spiral, from inside to outside and from bottom to top. Simply, use your fingertips to pat like piano music on your skin. Manipulating with your fingertips will help your skin "exercise", stimulate blood circulation and avoid misaligned massage.

Add milk directly to dry skin

Another "deadly" mistake of women when cleansing their skin is to directly wash the cleanser on dry skin, apply it thoroughly before rinsing with water. In fact, in creams, facial cleansers have chemicals that should not be used directly on the face, especially when the skin is still dry. The best way is to wash your hands, wet your face and then take a sufficient amount of cleansing cream to hand, hit the cotton and then wash your face.

Wash face continuously

Even if your skin is always shiny, full of oil, washing your face continuously, many times a day is also a disastrous mistake. Because regular "cleansing" of the skin not only causes skin irritation, drought, but also stimulates the greasy, making the skin sebum secretion more, causing acne. If you often have to go to the street, use a mask to avoid dirt and wash your face only twice a day.

Exfoliating every time you wash your face

Exfoliating is one of the tasks not to be missed when skin care. However, this should only be done twice a week. If a girl regularly cleanses her skin before every wash, her skin will be dry, vulnerable, easy to catch sunshine and be easily damaged.

Wash your face with pots and towels

Many girls believe that washing their face with a face towel and small pot is "safe" for the skin. However, if you do not clean them properly and properly, pots and towels will become the ideal environment for bacteria to grow.

Therefore, you should only wash your face with clean water. If you still want to maintain the habit of using pots and towels, clean them clean, always dry towels in a dry, sunny place.

Apply moisturizer right after cleansing

Applying moisturizer right after cleansing is not a proper skin care operation. Because the skin needs a short time to restore a stable natural balance.

Do not wash your face before going to bed

After a day of work, study and fun, even if you are tired, you are not allowed to forget about cleaning your skin before going to bed. If the dirt and lubricant builds up on your skin all night, don't complain why your skin "makes friends" with acne.

Wash your face with hot or cold water

In the summer, girls often wash their face with cold water, whereas, in winter, hot water is the top choice for girls.

However, both hot / cold water is not suitable for the skin because it causes "thermal shock", causing irritation, breaking capillaries. Especially hot water, because they cause the skin to lose the necessary moisture, dryness, itching and burning. Ideally, use warm water to wash your face.



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