Practice reducing excess fat to avoid muscle mass in simple ways

You may not know, the shoulder is the place that gathers the most flexible joints in the body. The shoulders can bend, expand and move in different directions. However, the habit of being lazy and active is the reason why your shoulders and arms are not as slender as you want. Girls can practice the following exercises at home to improve weight loss in the shoulders and arms.

Back fat, axillary fat, and muscle flesh have long been the fear of many women, causing imbalance in shape as well as inferiority, difficulty in choosing style of dress. Therefore, reducing back fat with exercise, gym, patch to modern technology is the solution that many women look for. However, the first thing you need to do is to identify the cause of your back fat, your fat status, and then decide on a suitable fat reduction method.

Many people often overlook the loss of fat for their backs and shoulders in weight loss without knowing that "shoulder muscle" and thick back, fat will make you look heavier and heavier. The fat back also makes many girls feel self-deprecated when they go up and rarely bear the appearance of showing off skin.

Usually when you lose weight or exercise, you rarely see changes in the back and shoulders by the exercises you apply little impact on these areas of the body. Also, working on your computer for a long time, using your phone too much will accumulate fat in your back and shoulders, causing your image to become poor, lacking in temperament.

It makes it difficult for many women to choose style to dress. As well as inferiority in the face of the bikini, slender 2-wire dress.

Here are some simple exercises that will help you soon get a slender shoulder, a plump back

Exercise 1:

Put your hands on your hips, lift your shoulders up and down smoothly.

Exercise 2:

Place your left hand on the head, tilt your head 45 degrees, place your right hand behind, touch the waist on the left, hold for 30 seconds and then switch sides.

Exercise 3:

Put your hands behind your back, trying to "lock" your hands backwards for 30 seconds and then switch sides smoothly.

Exercise 4:

Put your hands behind your back, make a gesture like you're barking but behind your back, stick your chest forward

Hold for 30 seconds then return to the original position.

Exercise 5:

Use the power of the shoulder to rotate as much as possible.



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