Recipes for quick beauty

Prevent premature skin aging

Eating fish helps prevent skin aging.

Thirty years ago, researchers began to find out why people, Inuits in Alaska back rarely suffer heart disease. The reason, according to scientists at present, is the extraordinary number of fish they consume daily. The fish is a rich source of omega-3 fats, which help prevent cholesterol buildup process in the arteries and reduce the risk of stroke.

Food treat and prevent acne

In the carrots contain acids COOH NH2 radicals, and the minerals calcium, phosphorus, iron, copper, fluorine, magnesium ... so it is a very beneficial food for health. Essential oils in carrots also have effects on bactericidal should will keep your skin more beautiful, against the possibility of skin inflammation leads to acne. So you should eat carrots at least once/week.

White skin

Use regular cucumber helps to remove wrinkles and make the skin fades to white in a natural way.

Scientific research shows a very rich potassium cucumber, carotene, vitamins C, B1, B2, carbohydrates, protein, iron and other nutrients components. Use regular cucumber helps to remove wrinkles and make the skin fades to white in a natural way.

Black beans silky hair

Black beans are a type of grain legumes have cool features, used to lighten the eyes, liver, kidneys, ears hearing tonic cure constipation, cooling stick, black hair ... Use black beans daily will help early silver hair isn't the silver status must be reduced soon, hair black again but also gradually help nourish healthy hair, less seasoned than the loss.

You can cook food black bean tea, or black bean and roasted up to drink water daily. You can also combine the black beans with HA, a pharmaceutical box player help kidney liver tonic, do other hair black to cook or grind the powder drink daily. Just you persist make sure your hair smooth and shiny black will be back.=



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