Referring to skin care, you must not forget these important ingredients

According to the development trend of the world, the cosmetics industry also 'changed the skin' every year. There are more and more new skin care ingredients that have been created that make the women sway and desire to experience. However, there are names that are never forgotten and always appear in the skin care cycle of women. What are those components?


Moisturizing is an extremely important skin care step that any girl should remember. Because, for the skin to be smooth and firm, the prerequisite factor is moisture-rich skin. One of the moisturizing ingredients recommended by dermatologists is hyaluronic acid. Hyaluronic acid molecules have high water storage capacity, so they often appear in intensive skin moisturizers.

Moisturizing is an extremely important skin beauty step.

In our body contains about 15 grams of hyaluronic acid and 50% of which is concentrated in the collagen area in the dermis of the skin. It can be said that this active ingredient contributes to the faster synthesis of collagen that helps to rejuvenate the skin. However, over time, the diminished hyaluronic acid causes skin to dry out and wrinkles appear. So, to keep your skin moist and smooth, don't forget to supply your skin with products containing hyaluronic acid ingredients.


Vitamin C is the most favored skin care ingredient for women. Because of this, this nutrient is rich in antioxidants, improves skin pigmentation and increases collagen. Skin care products help protect the skin from environmental damage, while improving skin structure. Dr. Saira Vasdev, co-founder and medical director of Skin and Sanctuary, said that all ages can use vitamin C, especially those in their twenties.

Vitamin C is a rich antioxidant that helps improve skin pigmentation.

To achieve optimal results, you should choose the appropriate vitamin C level for each skin area. Specifically, for the eye area, use a product with a vitamin C concentration of 5% or less. For sensitive skin or dry skin, 10% is the most appropriate concentration. 15% vitamin C concentration for all skin types. Disadvantages of vitamin C are easily oxidized when exposed to air, so store the product in a tightly closed container. In the period of using vitamin C, you should apply sunscreen and carefully shield when outside to avoid darkening of the skin.


Surely you are no stranger to the name retinol, especially those with acne skin. Retinol is a derivative of vitamin A. In addition to treating acne, Retinol also helps produce collagen, flattens wrinkles as well as effectively lightening the skin. In contrast to the two brothers, Retinoid and RetinA, which require dermatological guidance, Retinol is milder and easier to use. Maintaining skin care with suitable Retinol concentration in about 8-10 weeks, the skin will be smooth and healthy.

If you are just getting used to this active ingredient, it is better to start with the lowest concentration of about 0.04% - 0.1%. Maintain this level until the skin is really adapted before elevating the concentration. use. Experts will recommend that, in the early stages of using Retinol, you should only use 1-2 times to prevent skin from being "over-inflamed".

Note, in the process of skin care with Retinol, do not forget to apply sunscreen and add adequate moisture so that the skin is not burnt and dry. Women who are pregnant or nursing are absolutely forbidden to use Retinol during skin care.


Salicylic acid is found in many skin care cosmetics, especially products that treat acne-related problems. This type of acid is soluble in oil, thereby enhancing the ability to penetrate deeply into the pores to cleanse the skin. The most outstanding characteristic of salicylic acid is antibacterial, anti-inflammatory and removal of the corneum layer. In addition to removing oil residues that clog pores, salicylic acid also removes dead skin layers to make skin softer.

Because the activity of this acid is quite high, you absolutely should not use it on areas of skin injury, open wounds or irritated skin, infection. In addition, when you first get used to salicylic acid, use the lowest concentration to test the skin's reaction. Just like with other ingredients, don't forget to cover it carefully and use sunscreen on your skin every time you go out.



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