Revealing from turnips to double cheek satire Hong phính

Although things have life but not so that everyone knows. By although have heard many times that "East eat radishes, summer eating ginger", but not so that everyone knows right away that white radish, not only is a nutritious food that's also a kind of "combine" skin for women ...


The surprise from the radish

Perhaps with more housewives, the use of white radish food every day as normal user also covers other vegetables. Beets are preferred in the processing of food, frequently appearing in the meal.

Eat white turnips are very good for health, but besides being a casual food and close the radishes also have the effect of greatly contribute to nurture, maintain a bright skin and especially always pinky not only in winter but every day of the year.

In the winter, eating radishes often is also a way to counteract the dry skin Winifred.

There are many types of radishes like beets, radish, intimacy and more common still is the white radish. This is the type of bulbs planted in our country and are used to do a lot of processing different food.

In 100 g radish have 1.4 g protide, 3.7 g glucid, 1.5 g of cellulose, calcium 40 mg, 41mg 1.1 mg of iron, phosphorus, 0.06 mg vitamin B1, 0.06 mg vitamin B2, 0.5 mg vitamin PP, vitamin C 30mg ... Beet tops and leaves contain an essential oil and a substantial content of vitaminA, C. Sugar beet is a kind of vegetable are more tonic.

Right from the ancient Customs, Which He in the Upper list "Lingnan drafts" were paying attention to the beets. He calls the drug name turnip is "la bặc based", sweet, slightly bitter, non toxic, expectorant, thũng pepper, except Maple TA, stasis, numb, except capital.

In untold ways, the radish is one of the ways to bring confidence to the sisters reaching the dream of white skin of his spotless pink.

Beet seeds are called "la bặc" spicy sweet, calculated the average, has the effect of excluding phlegm, cough cure, cure for cancer, to the seat, not bowel. In folklore, the beets are used to cure various kinds of diseases.

To cure, khản, lost his voice, do not speak can use 300 g radishes live squeezed water, 20 g ginger grater life and bring the mix 2 Friday at each other every day, drink 2 times. Drink like within 2 days, the disease will immediately dissipate.

Suffering from a sore throat, beet juice mixed with a little honey and salt and stir until sugar beet emergence then picked up, eat once a day at least. If bleeding Orange, squeezed a half bowl of water from 300 g radishes lives and then for a little more wine, and then heat up and get this water is under the nose from 3-4 times.

Unfortunately suffer from sores caused by the heat of the mouth? Juice from 300 g radishes living with water filter do the mouthwash is the ideal type of water to alleviate the aches and cause them to gradually disappear.

Today, the overseas scientific research also detected the beet seeds has the effect of lowering blood pressure, not the world, beet juice also reduces blood pressure slightly.

Thus, those with hypertension, arteriosclerosis, should drink beet juice mixed with honey to better support for the treatment of the disease. Vitamin C in radish also helped eradicate the waste in the body, promote body metabolism.

Eat regular beets or beet juice drinks will promote digestion. This water also absorb carbs in food and help solve the food stored in the stomach should help prevent are stomach pain and stomach ulcers.

In the winter, if coughing or appear more dry phlegm eating beets will help dissipate this unpleasant disease. In the days of cold, if fatigue or muscle disease pain visit, you can take the direct relief turnip Peel up the sore spot or put into a cloth bag to apply heat. When this, turnips have a very good effect in reducing pain.

Owning your skin like a dream thanks to the radish

With women, the owner of a pink-white skin has always been the dream of many people. The current trend, besides the people search to beauty by cutlery and expensive cosmetics, the many people who loved her skin care with natural treatments.

At this time, the vegetables, the results become a raw beauty ensures excellent and especially do not have side effects. Japanese women ever known still is the refined woman, skillfully and especially not the high longevity, healthy body, slender physique that their skin is always smooth and white.

People familiar with the image of America male with smooth white skin, bright red lips incredibly fresh looks and attracted the admiration of not only with people of the opposite sex. Japanese women do not like the women of America the country of kimchi is usually looking to beauty by cutlery.

What recipes have helped them get the dream as such? Their secret is really very simple. Besides the reasonable nutrition, the methods of their tradition mainly use raw materials from nature, the first safe and has no side effects, again saving which is extremely efficient.

One of the favorite way and quite popular is their use of sugar beet. White radish in addition to vitamin C against oxygen to the skin also inhibits the synthesis of melamine, elements of the black stop the lipofuscin deposition, help improve your skin black, lightening, strongly stain human.

Tubers are dubbed as the "Ginseng" is cut into thin slices and dried to make raw materials for bath water. Before the shower, dried radish into a cloth bag and soak in the hot bath water 15-20 minutes before bathing.

The vitamins are in beets will penetrate deeply into the skin, making the skin smooth and always bright. In the winter, this bath water not only helps moisturize the skin but also has the effect of keeping the body warm.

Drink beet juice before meals also are Japanese women frequently use to bring compact physique. This has the effect of juices for slimming effect without the need of dieting or restricting the amount of food.

Face mask ingredients from sugar beet is also one way of approaching the dream to own beautiful skin. Mask fish-lettuce, beets will help face skin radiant pink, white and especially dry winter days chappy runs out.

The way is simple: grind or use fish lettuce juice and beet juice mixed with each other, face up in round 1of 5 minutes then rinse with clear water. Every week from 2 to 3 times will bring unexpected skin worth dreaming. If there is sunburn, the beet juice and honey will be a great method to alleviate the stain Brown on the skin.

A pots of water for washing every day with beet juice also is the way to bring about a healthy skin and a pleasant, soothing not just for your skin that for both the spirit.

In parallel with the use of a mask, then the supply of nutrients to nourish the skin from the inside is very important. In addition to eating full of nutrients, the tea leaves with beets is a very good way for fostering, and proceed to own a pink-white skin.

In the beet leaves, Vitamin C is more than 4 times that tubers. Vitamin C works to fight skin ageing, prevents formation of bruises lightening skin whitening, keep the software. In addition, vitamins A and C are against oxygen, to control the cancer and prevention of aging, as well as hardening of the arteries.

Hence, the tea leaves by the beets very work in the skin. A very simple way, just clean the radish leaves, dried 3-4 days. Take 30 g of leaves to cook along with 1 liter of water, after boiling, Cook medium low heat add edit a few minutes, then drinking water filtration, can add a little sugar to easy to drink more.

Beauty is always the needs of children, therefore, each a skin, then each has a way to match his skin. In untold ways, the radish is one of the ways to bring confidence to the sisters reaching the dream of white skin of his spotless pink.=



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