Safety Mole removal and does not leave scars with fruits

If you feel uncomfortable with the moles on the body can be done the following way.


According to modern medicine, in ginger root contains 2-3% essential oil, 5% plastic, 5% fat, starch and the other is the spicy substance such as zingeron, shogaola. To purge the Mole with the ginger, you simply rinse the skin Mole, then up the thin ginger slices up.

We can also mashed ginger to up up the mole and tape overnight.

In addition, we can also mashed ginger to up up the mole and ice overnight, repeat until the Mole is gone. In particular, you should also note the selection of fresh ginger root, contains no stimulants or growth substances to bring best results.


Onion juice is also a very effective method to "destroy" the mole obnoxious. You can squeeze the onion get water, then small 2-3 drops onto the Mole. The pure water from the onion will gradually reduce the pigment black, Brown on moles and causing them to flake. Just do so in about 3 weeks, you will see significant changes.

Onion juice is also a very effective method to "destroy" the mole obnoxious.

Banana peels

With this, you need to scrape the inside of the banana peel nine to offset up to the Mole. Then, you do so through the night and then rinse with clear water. This inner layer of banana peels have the effect of weakening the moleand on the mole, causing them to disappear from our skin.

The inner layer of the banana peels have the effect of weakening the moleand on the Mole.


To purge the Mole with pineapple, you should cut a few slices of fresh pineapple and up or rubbing them on the mole and let them stay on the skin for at least 5 minutes. Repeat this 5 times a day and in 5 consecutive days.

You should cut a few slices of fresh pineapple and up or rubbing them on the Mole.

Dandelion roots

Dandelion root also has the effect of mole removal. You need to use fresh dandelion root, rinse and DAB onto the Mole. In particular, we need a DAB of white plastic milk secreted from the roots of this tree by this is the best effect to help eradicate the Mole. You continue to repeat this 2-3 times daily until the Mole is gone.

Apple Cider vinegar and garlic juice

This is natural and safe measures to remove the mole "located" in the location affect your aesthetic looks. Apple Cider vinegar or juice of the nỏi, the onion will help to remove blur the small and benign moles.

Use Apple Cider vinegar as a gentle solution to Mole removal.

Apple Cider vinegar may sound strange to us, but it is a raw beauty in the kitchen are more preferred by Western women. You can purchase Apple Cider vinegar online access the supermarket, pharmacy or cosmetics counters. Use Apple Cider vinegar as a gentle solution to Mole removal but may need to take some time.


Wash the mole to make them smoother. Use a towel or cotton swab dip warm water constantly apply the mole for at least 15 minutes. This will allow when using Apple Cider vinegar to remove the Mole a easier way.Next, use the Apple Cider vinegar colon absorbent swab up the mole, to avoid not to stick to the skin. Make 4 times/day, after 1 month, the Mole will disappear.

Use the juice of garlic/onion substitute

If do not want to make Mole removal by pure apple cider vinegar or because of a reason that you can't buy Apple Cider vinegar, you can replace the common Mole removal remedies this by the other natural remedies such as garlic juice, onion juice or pineapple juice.

Mole removal how to proceed with the above measures, similar to the way you've made with Apple Cider vinegar. How this will be safe if you not too abused and used only with less skin irritation.=



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