Secretly help the fastest nõn white skin

Good bye farewell sweets

Eat a lot of sweets will harm the skin.

Snacking with sweets is always a routine "difficult to snap" of the sisters. This is good for my sister has the desire to gain weight but worse for those who have the desire to lose weight and facial beauty. Because, behind the sweetness he contained a lot of harm to your skin. Sugar in sweets after being converted into easily absorbed protein in the blood. The molecules of this protein are formed again is the cause contributing to loss of elasticity of the skin and causes aging. So, you need to learn how to temporarily forget about sweets for some time.

Massage your face in the morning

Each morning the sisters should spend 3 minutes to gently massage for the face. This simple operation will increase blood circulation, "wake up" the skin cells, making the skin and bright pink, relieve stress.

Use egg white

Egg white has the effect as a "potion" clean removal of dead cells and blackheads, white skin.

Egg whites acts as a "potion" clean removal of dead cells and blackheads, white skin. You can use it as a sort of mild peeling mask, apply the first white layer, let them glue fumes, you will apply a second layer of marketing. Until the mask has a moderate thickness, you can be assured a seat wait to peel them off. Should note the wash your face with cold water to avoid the fishy smell as well as se closed pores.=



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