Skin Whitening recipes for hubby

Eat more carrots

Eat more carrots

In the carrots contain more vitamin A, has the effect of nourishing the skin healthy, compact and light agents against the Sun.

Carrots help your skin healthy, toned men, against the impact of the trởi.

In addition to carrots, you can also add the feed rich in beta carotenne as: watermelon, papaya, potatoes and the other dark fruits.

White radish

Not only are used recently, the physician from the ancient China has listed the drug post what kind of soup of beautiful white skin are composed of white radish.

White beets are rich in vitamin C, but unlike the fruits used, white radish works the highest beauty when we eat. According to experts, only need to eat every day 1 cup white radish stew during 1 month is always radiant white skin!

Luffa acutangula

Results take active effect, detoxification, skin, and skin whitening

Results take active effect, detoxification, skin, and skin whitening. The try up the mask take 1-2 times a week help provide moisture and natural skin whitening.

You can use take Peel, crushed and up onto the surface. If the mixture feels too much water, can add some wheat flour to increase the adhesive. Face during round 15-20 minutes then rinse with warm water.Note do not try to patch the mask too much can cause the pumpkin skin and pimples.


If you've just come out of that is not screened at all then please use a little cucumber to face right now. The amino acids and vitamins contained in transparent white contributed to the cucumber and soothes your skin!


Amaranth is rich in sodium, magnesium, potassium and vitamin C

Amaranth is rich in sodium, magnesium, potassium and vitamin C into the favor and try skin whitening. This is the method of skin care to Western women to provide moisture and helps skin glow, especially during the dry season.

use the swab to the amaranth juice and DAB. Wait to dry after 2 minutes further sullied times 2, then relax during 15 minutes. Rinse with warm water. This way each application on two times will see distinct changes, the skin becomes smooth, shiny.

Drink lots of water

Water purification of the body and help you own your skin taut ball. Try to maintain 10 cups of water a day and experience the difference yourself, boys.

Maintain Scrubs

Exfoliating will help your skin becomes bright men, limiting condition, healthy aging, helps better elastic skin.

Remove the bruises on the skin with lemon

If on skin speckled brown ones you due to acne, dark spots, or cause loss of aesthetic. Please dilute lemon juice with distilled water, to the refrigerator and using a regular 2 days/times. After 3 to 4 weeks you will clearly see the effect of this work.

Use sunscreen when out on the street

Shield also helps us direct impact protection from UV rays. In addition to wear sunblock, user password page, the boys should also use sunscreen to the skin are most positive protection.

Nourishing mask homemade white from fruit

If afraid to come to the store to buy cosmetics nourishing mask, white boys can make the fruit in the kitchen and homemade skin masks for themselves.

The mask type tomatoes, bananas, potatoes, ... very easy to implement. However they only have cells numb due upbringing of fruit quite loud and hard penetrates directly into the human skin. Meanwhile, these cells are extracted and processed into the products cosmetics DAB format masks, peeling, ... and ease the impact on the skin.=



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