Stay away from these 11 foods if you don't want to lose your perfect physique

Some foods, such as full-fat yogurt, coconut oil and eggs, help with weight loss but other foods, especially processed and refined products, can make you gain weight.

Here are 11 foods to avoid when you're trying to lose weight:

1. French fries

Pure potatoes are healthy foods but fries and chips are not. They have very high calories and are easy to eat.

In observational studies, consumption of fries and chips is related to weight gain.

One study even found that fries can contribute to more weight gain per serving than any other food.

Moreover, baked or fried potatoes may contain carcinogens called acrylamides. Therefore, it is best to eat boiled potatoes.

2. Sugar drinks

Sugary drinks, like soda, are one of the most unhealthy foods on the planet.

They are strongly related to weight gain and may have disastrous health effects when consumed excessively.

Although drinks have sugar that contains a lot of calories. Sugar calories do not make you feel full and you will not eat less food.

If you are serious about weight loss, consider giving up sugary drinks completely.

3. White bread

White bread is very refined and often contains lots of sugar.

White bread increases high blood sugar index and can increase your blood sugar level.

A study of 9,267 people found that eating two slices (120 grams) of white bread a day was associated with a 40% higher risk of weight gain and obesity.

Fortunately, there are many healthy alternatives to regular bread. One is Ezekiel bread or whole grain bread, probably the best bread for health in the market.

However, remember that all wheat breads contain gluten. Other options include oopsie bread, corn tortillas and almond flour bread.

4. Candy bar

Extremely unhealthy candy bar. It has lots of sugar, adding oil and refined flour to a small package.

Candy bars are high in calories and low in nutrients. A medium sized candy bar with chocolate can contain about 200-300 calories and extremely large candy bars can hold more.

Unfortunately, you can find candy bars everywhere. They are even strategically placed in stores to tempt consumers to buy them randomly.

If you're craving a snack, eat a piece of fruit or a handful of nuts instead.

5. Most fruit juices

Most fruit juices you find in supermarkets can cause uncontrolled weight gain. Fruit juices are well prepared and may not contain many sugar.

In fact, they can contain as much sugar and calories as soda, if not more.

In addition, fruit juices are usually fiber-free and do not require chewing.

This means that a glass of orange juice will not have the same effect as an orange, making it easy to consume in large quantities in a short period of time.

6. Pastry, cookies and pastries

Pastries, biscuits and pastries are packed with unhealthy ingredients like added sugar and refined flour. They may also contain artificial trans fat, which is very harmful and involves many diseases.

Cakes, biscuits and pastries do not fill up much and you may get hungry very quickly after eating these low-calorie, low-nutrient foods.

If you're craving something sweet, instead find a piece of dark chocolate.

7. Some types of alcohol (especially beer)

Alcohol provides more calories than carbs and protein, or about 7 calories per gram.

8. Ice cream

Ice cream is extremely delicious, but very unhealthy. It has a high calorie content, and most types are high in sugar.

Consider making ice cream yourself, using less sugar and healthy ingredients like yogurt and full-fat fruit. Also eat small portions to reduce fat intake.

9. Pizza

Pizza is a very popular fast food. However, pizza is also a very unhealthy dish.

They are very high in calories and often contain unhealthy ingredients such as high refined flour and processed meat.

If you want to enjoy a slice of pizza, try making it at home with healthy ingredients. Homemade pizza sauces are also healthier, because supermarkets can contain lots of sugar.

10. Drinks high calorie coffee

Coffee contains some bioactive substances, most importantly caffeine.

These chemicals can enhance your metabolism and increase fat burning, at least in the short term. However, the negative effects of adding unhealthy ingredients such as artificial ice cream and sugar far outweigh these positive effects.

High-calorie coffee drinks are actually not better. They are loaded with empty calories which can equal a whole meal.

If you like coffee, it's best to use black coffee. Adding a little cream or milk is also good. Just avoid adding sugar, high-calorie cream and other unhealthy ingredients.

11. High sugar foods

Adding sugar is probably the worst thing in a modern diet. The excess is related to some of the most serious diseases in the world today.

Foods high in sugar often provide tons of empty calories, but not full. Examples of foods that can contain a large amount of added sugar include sugary breakfast cereals, granola bars and low-fat, flavorful yogurt.

You should be especially careful when choosing "low-fat" or "non-fat" foods, as manufacturers often add more sugar to make up for the lost flavor when removing fat.

Switch to healthy, healthy foods.



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