The habit of unknowingly sabotaging eo thon

Control your diet to get the body sculpting is the first solution that all options for his sister. The advantage of this method is not lobbying hard, fit the sisters busy, but the big drawback is that you have to struggle with the eating needs of yourself.

In fact, the results reduce the weight depends on the amount of calories from food that is also subject to the impact by the type of food, feed and environmental speed when you eat.

Let's get Scott 7 habits when eating ever silently break the search plan your jewel designs and improve them.

1. Fruit beams and spices

Relatively safe. Some types of spices are low sugar, but generally the fruits beams (like cucumbers, mangoes ...) all contain no calories. The fruits eaten beams along with butter bread slices fried potatoes are great choices. Both have the salty and crunchy. However there are calories in fruit pieces 22 new beams with equivalent of 10 pieces of chips.

Fruit beams and seasonings can break eo thon.

2. Eat with fast speed

This error is usually encountered in practice with her sisters working Office. Lunchtime respite seemed to be charged every minute, every second so they eat awfully quickly, primarily for through packed to enlist little rest.

Fast food makes also nutrient metabolism is slower.

From the fast food has two negative reason that you should know is: it's easy to make you eat more because your taste buds have yet to catch up with the analysis you've swallowed into the crane needs should satisfy of taste that makes you want to load more energy. At the same time it makes also nutrient metabolism is slower and metabolic processes were delayed make fat was accumulating more and more causes obesity.

3. Eat together with her lover

When to go eat the same lover, you hardly meet results in the loss of the campaign.

One reason is ridiculous, but it's the truth. You not only food consumption by the stomach but also with all the soul, thus giving you the feeling of eating more delicious and you tend to eat more.

On the other hand the excitement and the energy gender hocrmone increase cause your body to absorb maximum nutrients from food. So, you hardly meet results in the loss of his campaign.

4. Skipping breakfast

Breakfast very important role

Breakfast very important role, it ensures you have enough energy to be able to operate in the best way for the morning.

Therefore, whether you eat more of how much calories in the morning also could not accumulate in your body because it must take out to use for the job. When you skip breakfast, forcing the body to produce energy accumulation mechanism to ensure you can adapt activities, this mechanism will silently makes you gain weight.

5. Thinking wrong about salads

Salads are always women choose for yourself with these quick meals because of the appearance of the spinach leaves. But in fact, salads to be attractive with users requires some extra fat tastes like butter, milk so the calories in this dish exists nor is less. So, to be absolutely assured of healthy vegetable dishes to choose as boiled, with salt ... to absorb the calories to a minimum.

6. Use the beverage in color

To ensure you get the ideal waist and satisfy the thirst, you treat yourself to a cup of natural fruit juices.

The drinks are the producers gave up no less effort to study out the attractive colours to attract the sight of customers. But to create the kind of attractive colours he forced them to resort to the chemical reaction and an indispensable ingredient is the chemical lines-one but the culprit causing the bloating and increase belly ring.

Therefore, to ensure you get the ideal waist and satisfy the thirst, you treat yourself to a cup of natural fruit juices.

7. Tomato Sauce and barbecue sauce

If you can not skip the ketchup, you can use a small lựợng to satisfy desires.

Beware. People often do not record warning about the amount of calories contained in the boxes of tomato sauce (about 15 spoons) or barbecue sauce (about 20 spoons). Often you will be using quite a lot if like this spices. Try replaced with salsa sauce for burgers or hot sausage. Why, even the canned salsa sauce types also have lower salt and sugar ketchup. If you can not skip the ketchup, you can use a small lựợng to satisfy desires.=



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