The true horrors of white sugar

Cause dementia

In studies on rats, the scientists have shown that eating too much sugar also affect the brain, causing dementia and aging brain work faster.

Increase the risk of cancer

Excess sugar consumption can increase the amount of insulin.

Excess sugar consumption can increase the amount of insulin-this is one of the high risk of the cancer. More dangerous, according to the latestresearch, cancer cells are nourished by the molecules from the road.

Sugar makes you more myopia

According to the report of the Council against the myopia of Japan, more sugar in the body can also affect the amount of calcium in the body, increase the resilience of the eyeball, eyeball diameter easy to increase the degree of myopia, so also increases. Dr. b. Lein, the famous American vision, based on many data on nutrition of patients he had treated, confirmed: the disease myopia developed not only by tired eyes by working a lot too but also by not eating enough of the necessary quality. An excess of sugar and diet chromium deficiency will make the disease more severe myopia.

Cardiovascular disease

A study on the American Medical Association also said excessive consumption of carbohydrates such as sugar, will promote increased blood fat and therefore increase the risk of cardiovascular symptoms. The study focused on the product line was identified: the energy generated by the sweetener in them. Mr. Jean a. Welsh, author of the study said, "more and consume more sugar, as increasing the risk of blood fat and high cholesterol levels, triglyceride numbers only" good "to" bad "cholesterol, increasing".

The teeth you vulnerable if using multiple paths

When the teeth are exposed to sugar, the number of bacteria will increase dramatically and the bacteria will turn sugar into acids, destroy tooth enamel.

When the teeth are exposed to sugar, the number of bacteria will increase dramatically and the bacteria will turn sugar into acids, destroy tooth enamel. If not eating anything after eating sweets such as candy, the environment in the mouth will return to normal in round 1 hour because saliva was to neutralize the compound in sweets. But if keep eating or drinking sweet, acidity in the mouth will regularly at a high level and lead to tooth decay. So let's eat sugar.

Accelerate the aging process

Eat a lot of sugar not only do you become obese, the damage to the body's resistance ..., but also contributed to the loss of elasticity of the skin tissue. As much blood as we speed up the process, the more skin wrinkles, so should enjoy a high extent in order to keep your skin youthful and bright.

Brain damage

There are many diet sweeteners often cause implications for brain as to obstruct the process of absorption of nutrients and interrupt the tolerability of protein from other food, leading to shortages of nourishment to the body, especially the brain take up nutrients. The sweet drink, food habits in a long time will cause poor brain development.

Bone damage

A study published in the American Journal of clinical nutrition 2006 showed drinking water contains more sweeteners are related to low bone density in women.=



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