The unexpected beauty from the grapefruit

Beauty skin

With high vitamin A intake along with vitamin C, a powerful antioxidant properties, grapefruit help maintain sufficient moisture in the skin, protect skin from dryness, psoriasis, acne and wrinkles.

Grapefruit help maintain sufficient moisture in the skin, protect skin from dryness.

As a member of the citrus family, grapefruit is also an excellent source of vitamin C supplementation increases the body's resistance. Grapefruit is also an antioxidant, vitamin C protects the body against the harmful effects of the Sun, helps rejuvenate your skin.

Usage: Get 2 grapefruit citrus, grind just enough smooth, do not grind too carefully, mix together 2 spoons of honey, 2 spoons of oatmeal. Stir the mixture, use a massage up face and neck skin. Next time use regularly, you will see the other completely change skin, reduce wrinkles permanently.

Anti acne

Essential oil extracted from the rind of grapefruit will remove greasy feeling on the skin surface.

Essential oil extracted from the rind of grapefruit will remove greasy feeling on the skin surface and anti acne by increasing the pH for the skin.

Weight loss

As announced by the American scientist on the Telegraph of May 2, 2004, overweight people eat on 3 times, each time half a grapefruit, continuously for 90 days will lose weight on average 1,600 g (overweight people eat the same mode but no reduction was only 220 g grapefruit), even rising to 4500g. The scientist explains that: the enzymes in grapefruit has time zone help the body absorb road; reduce the amount of sugar converted into fat reserves create obesity (check the blood after eating grapefruit see insulin rose slightly, so it mediation prevented glucose metabolism into fat reserves).

Silky hair

Grapefruit rind of grapefruit flowers, long has been known for smooth application and curing hair loss.

Grapefruit rind of grapefruit flowers, long has been known for smooth application and curing hair loss. To get the silky soft hair healthy, you should use the grapefruit rind Kettle shampooing, or squeeze of grapefruit Peel oil directly onto the hair.

Full body exfoliation

Preparation: two cups of pure sea salt, a cup of olive oil, fresh Sage leaves are four to six, a half cup of sugar, refined and a grapefruit.


Crushed Sage leaves with olive oil, then mix with the sea salt and sugar.

Peeled grapefruit and crushed sea salt mixture into the casing.

Take a tablespoon of the mixture on the salt out, maybe more depending on your needs, rubbed up the body and massage gently, implementing the circle.

To salt on the skin for about a minute and then rinse with warm water.

The mixture of sea salt, in addition to the effect of Exfoliating helps detoxify the body element, so after you will have light skin smooth and refreshing spirit.

Cures baldness

If you suffer from baldness, the grapefruit is the "rescue" of you.

If you suffer from baldness, the grapefruit is the ' human rescue '. Make fresh grapefruit juice and rubbed up and a little bit of essential oil from pomelo Peel, along the coconut oil. Hair you will be stimulating grows out fast. Even if you can fit the remaining hair day and black up after short time. This tip is also to help the people of hair loss or hair ladies, used as a method of optimal treatment.


Grapefruit Peel will decrease the rate of appearance of wrinkles, freckles, hyperpigmentation as well as blackheads and white, dry, itchy skin and many different problems due to constant exposure to the Sun. In particular, because contains lycopene grapefruit rind should even prevent skin cancer due to UV damage.

Treat Dermatitis

Astringent properties of grapefruit rind very helpful in fighting as well as prevent redness, itchiness.

Astringent properties of grapefruit rind very helpful in fighting as well as prevent redness, itchiness, some becoming certain skin inflammation.=



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