Tips to cure freckles make the quickest descent

Freckles are small stains appear on the outside of the skin, are related to the development of pigment of dermatome and the Central bottom part. Under the action of the Sun, freckles will become more dark

There are two basic forms of freckles, that is the broken notes of sandalwood and speckled.

The first form is the flat spot stain red or pale brown and usually appear on the skin in summer and in winter, the faded due to genetic causes. The second form is also darker than pale, not to go into the winter and also because of genetic conditions.

Freckles tend to be sensitive to UV rays.

Freckles tend to be sensitive to UV should be appearing on the bare skin exposed under the Sun. While freckles can be found on the entire body, but the most popular is the exposed skin area more. In General, causing unsightly freckles on face and not have any impact to the health .

Freckles often appear on the face and hands as well as some other parts of the body when they exposed bare much sunlight, is basically due to the special cells of the skin to produce melanin.

Freckles can also appear when exposed to the skin tanned do. When these rays penetrate into the skin, they do trigger the epidermal cells created the black elements make freckles more dark and more, although the distribution of the pigment melanin is not the same. Abnormal changes of these hormones in the body, due to genetic factors, cause side effects when using some types of drugs is also the cause of freckles.

How to treat freckles take root by nature

Vitamin E

Get inside the capsules of vitamin E skin hydratant DAB have many freckles, maintain this regularity to achieve the effect as desired. You can buy vitamin E capsules from pharmacies near your home.

Red onions

Red onions are also often used in skin care and push back the freckles.

Red onions are also often used in skin care and push back the freckles. Thai red onion into small pieces, then lather up the freckles on the face. You should repeat this for at least two weeks to the freckles soon disappeared.

Mask cucumber juice

To fade and remove freckles, simple you just need to apply the mixture 1 teaspoon cucumber juice to apply to the skin. This is very beneficial to melt the stain freckles due to spot triggers.

The beets

Wash the beets, then mash, mix well with lemon juice (you can use your food processing). The new mixture of cut surface processing, wait to dry and then rinse. Natural whitening substances contained in the radish will help fade freckles.

Coffee ice cream bowl, lemonade

Roasted bowl of curing acne very effectively.

Coffee maker white Bowl (cannon) 100 g, lemon fruit 10. Coffee maker white wash Bowl, finely chopped, finely to retire; squeezed lemon water mix well with coffee powder, all for in jars sealed, after 2 days can be used. The evening before you go to bed take swab topical solution on the skin of freckles, obliterate continuously for several days will see results.

The mixture of honey and left justice chua

Mash 1/4 cup of sour green and also a physical left teaspoon honey to DAB up the face in half an hour. Then, rinse the face with warm water and Pat your skin fresh lemon juice diluted will do less pale freckles.

Drink tomato juice

Drink tomato juice or eat tomatoes lived every day to help prevent freckles. It is thanks to the existing substances in tomatoes has effect against the tyrozin component's activity, made to disappear or diminish the pigment dead on facial skin.

Lather the papaya juice

Take green papaya crushes, apply to the face from 2-3 times daily. After the two-hour rinse face with cold water.=



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