Tips to treat acne or with salt

Wash your face with salt

Use sea salt diluted cleanser helps your skin is clean, cool, control oil and sweat the dead cuticle eraser.

Use sea salt diluted cleanser helps your skin is clean, cool, control oil and sweat the dead cuticle removal, making pores has to gradually shrinking. However, when choosing salt cleanser, you also need to be based on individual skin type, note the method used, should not be used liberally.

Should you use cold water to wash the face. Then, grab a small salt spoon to stir the water, used to shift into cotton make-up seep into ca salt water dotted all over the face from the forehead down to the Chin, lightly massage the hand for about 30 seconds, then rinse the face with warm water. Attention should not to salt water above the surface for too long to avoid skin irritation. Those who have oily skin frequently wash your face with salt water as possible can easily achieve the goal to control oil and sweat and skin very effectively.

Masks for skin

Especially effective for treating acne types. After cleaning the face, use a finely salt crystal Republic some water to DAB all around the face. Let stand for 5 minutes, and then start the massage from from salt crystals for fall slowly down, then rinse with water slightly warm.

With salt water bath

A bath with salt water pushing back breakouts on the body.

When the salt water bath, you might add a little additional oil nutrition for the skin, making the skin becomes smooth and healthy. Before bathing, you check the skin by simply as follows: take a little water mixed with salt dilution, smeared on the skin under the arm next to the armpit. If the skin feels burning pain then you should not use.

Note When using salt water to remove acne

Use sea salt rather than table salt

To eliminate acne effectively with salt, sea salt should you use to get high results because while sea salt contains the kind of beneficial minerals such as zinc, calcium and iodine helps fight inflammation and heal damaged tissue, the salt can irritate the skin.

Use warm water, not boiling water

Warm water with salt in combination with moderate rate not only help clean the skin but also remove acne from 1. You should not use the boiling water salt because the salt will draw takes away the effect and can affect the skin. On the other hand, you also should not use too much salt that should follow the appropriate ratio to make sure the skin does not suffer from burning.

Not everyone can use salt to treat acne

Not everyone can use salt to treat acne, especially for those with sensitive skin, prone to allergies. Therefore, if the skin is too thin or susceptible tibial scratches, you should be careful when using salt to remove acne. In particular, you should also pay attention to the ratio between water and salt as above said.=



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