Top food should eat daily beautiful skin


Salmon is an excellent food for your skin. It helps the body fight the anxiety, depression and stress. That way it will reduce the maximum lack of acne. At the same time, Omega fats in salmon is also a great factor to fight acne, wrinkles helps the skin always youthful.

Sweet potatoes

If you do not eat sweet potatoes for fear of carbonhydrat, then you are missing out on one of the most effective beauty products for women. The sweet potato is rich in beta carotene, a form of vitamin A helps your skin natural shine after a night. It is also an effective anti-wrinkle foods and there is also the enemy of the acne. Sweet potatoes have low insulin levels, help prevent blood sugar. When your blood sugar levels rise faster then the acne also competition each other grow due to the influence of hormones.

Black chocolate

Black chocolate very shoes of fatty acids, antioxidants made end full shining more than skin. Eat a little chocolate black daily to feed the skin "without fear of gaining weight.


You know chilli is rich in substances that help prevent wrinkles? In fact, red peppers contain more than 100% of the amount of vitamin c. Pepper increases blood flow to the skin helps the skin youthful, smoother.


Papaya is a great food for the body. It just helps the digestive system, medium supplements of vitamin A and C to the body. Vitamin C protects skin cells from the harmful effects of the Sun.


Hemp seeds, flax seeds, sunflower seeds ... very good for your skin. In the nuts, especially gotten flax, hemp contains Omega 3 fatty acids are effective in reducing acne and wrinkles on the skin. Sunflower seeds, squash shoes are vitamin E enhances the moisture in the skin.

Coconut oil

Coconut oil is rich in lauric acid, vitamin E and fatty acids are excellent in maintaining the softness, moisture for your skin. Use a tablespoon of coconut oil each day with lotion, make sure you will have a smooth skin.


, People don't think celery is good food for your skin. In fact, it is rich in vitamin K reduces the tension eased. We also know, stress is also a factor that makes the skin go bad a lot.

Coconut oil

Coconut oil is one of the important beauty food thanks to the influence of preventing aging and detoxify the skin and body. Besides coconut oil is also great options to care for your hair and face like a moisturizing products, prevent acne and wrinkles.

Coconut oil contains many ingredients that prevent bacteria from the skin and body. When you eat coconut oil, the oil will be directly used to provide energy for the body but not being retained as a kind of fat.

Spinach (spinach)

There are a lot of people prefer this vegetable, but do not know that this is the vegetable provide lots of benefits for your skin, hair and nails. Spinach is rich in nutrients and anti-xi culture give the cells the necessary nutrients. Spinach also contains lutein helps your eyes healthy and sparkle, rich in vitamins B, C and E, potassium, calcium, iron, Jesus, and the omega-3 fats. You can use spinach to make vitamins, added to salads, stews with chicken or salmon, or mixing into fried egg.


Blueberry is ranked number one among 40 fruits and vegetables capable of the highest culture Poker abatement, so kind of left this little baby blue is one of the leading beauty food of every woman.

Blueberry rich in fiber, low in sugar, rich-component abatement xi and vitamin c. all these elements help Blueberry became great friends of the skin, hair and even your weight again because the Blueberry is related to the ability to prevent diabetes form 2.

You can use to make Blueberry Smoothie, yogurt or with anything you want. Just ½ Cup of Blueberry Juice a day will help you get the results as desire.


This vegetable is a plentiful supply of folic acid, vitamin E, vitamin A, iron, magnesium, vitaminc, fiber. These substances not only for health but also make your skin more youthful and dashing.

Black chocolate

This is my favorite foods in all food beauty for women. I can eat chocolate every day. Chocolate is rich in anti-oxidants components xi culture help nourish your skin, increasing blood circulation, and improve the operation of the blood vessels. Chocolate is a natural SPF foods because it helps protect your skin from the Sun. It also offers an especially youthful shine to the skin.

Just remember to choose the type of sweet or at least not the way with 80% cacao or higher and use moderate amounts to avoid excess calorie. Dark chocolate there is also rich in ma-Jesus, iron, and fiber. Fat in dark chocolate-you-la is very good for cardio if you use one.

Green tea

Green tea is more expert reviews are kind of "food" need-to-have for the skin. Drink 3 cups a day or more to give the best results. Besides, it was a lot of research to prove good for the heart.

Red tea

Red tea is considered a herbal sweet flavour but not containing sugar in it. It's very good in the main article except for acne and do cooling body.


This fruit has not been getting much attention. Kiwi is a type of Berry and easy to make. Kiwi contains more potassium and vitamin C than oranges and also very rich in fiber. Kiwi seeds rich in healthy fats help nourish your skin and hair.

In addition the kiwi also are rich in these substances against the poker, keep your skin is toned, preventing wrinkles and helps bones and teeth. The anti-xi in kiwi and also protects you from the root of cancer and heart disease.


Carrots are not just good for the eyes but also great for the skin. Carrots are especially good in the prevention of acne. In the composition of carrots contain vitamin A, which helps prevent the overproduction of cells in the outermost skin layer. That is where the excess sebum combined with dead cells do steak clogged pores.=



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