Treat acne 'super fast' with celery

Causes of acne

A poor diet combined with the consumption of high levels of carbo hydrate and food containing a lot of sugar not only makes for health go down but also directly affect the skin.

The lack of nutrients is also one of the leading causes of skin health leads to weakness, skin prone to infection as well as the amount of dead skin increases, often congested pores and cause the other disorder.

Celery helps treat acne effectively.

Testosterone is one of the main culprits for the increase in Acne in teens.

Liver – your detoxification pathways if not health could increase the acne, the accumulation of toxins can cause bacteria in the intestine and this can affect the health of your skin.

People who may be susceptible to Acne tends to touch on the face, back, chest and arms with hands dirty often. This bad habit will exacerbate skin infections, increased acne.

Treat acne with celery

Bitter melon, celery and Red Apple

¼ the fruit bitter, 1 branch celery, ½ red apples, grilled drink each day, very effective after only 1 week. Because thanks to the combination with bitter, scum, toxins in the blood, under the skin were wiped out quickly, destroying most of the acne.

Celery, tomato and lemon juice

1 branch celery, 1 tomatoes, ½ lemon grilled, 300 ml 1 cup every day (especially after meals high in fat), drink in rounds 10 on you will see the effect distinctly. However those who have stomach slightly weak, irregular menstruation should limit the amount of drink.

Celery, honey and lemon juice

You have 0, 1 g of celery, 1 tsp of honey, 1 table spoon of lemon juice and then form a shape mask to preserve up the region have blackheads on the face. You just need to within 20 minutes and then wash your face with cleanser. You will see the effect in the first used by this mask, blackheads have dimmed.=



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