Treat acne with fruit finish

Acne is acne often lies hidden deep beneath the skin, this is the Sebaceous follicles accumulate and form the small skin surface rise u that you can't get yourself out to be. Thịtthường acne or appear around the eyes and the skin is thin and sensitive as the cheeks, Chin, eyelids ...

Acne is the benign tumors usually harmless but who have acne around the eyes will lose the beauty of your skin.

Acne appear small at first, then to gradually ease gradually, long NGO thick spread to other skin areas. Acne very easily confused with the other type of acne such as wart, u, ... so need to have awareness of subtle new expertise can be distinguished. Needed can tests to be sure.

Acne is the benign tumors usually harmless but who have acne around the eyes will lose the beauty of your skin, looks older age and always sad path surroundings. Acne around eyes have many different names such as: acne, acne breakouts, syringoma, rice, rock ... intent could be completely but we should understand that, under warranty and periodic re-examination to prevent recurrence.

Acne cures the meat with fresh lemon

The essential oil of lemon helps bleach skin mucus, infection, has antiseptic and astringent skin should be used to treat skin diseases such as warts, acne, ben lang. To treat acne, you only need to use 1 drop of essential oil pure lemon DAB directly on the skin is acne. Performed steadily and persistence will give good results.

Acne cures the meat by the ripe papaya

Papaya cures acne very effectively.

Select a result, shaved green papaya Peel, then cut into small pieces, then pureed mix with 1/2 box of sour milk. Use this mixture of cut side up for about 30 minutes and then rinse with warm water. Remember to take up this meat acne masks constantly for about 3-4 months.

Acne cures the meat with green bananas

The familiar fruit of every meal in this family is a folk meat acne treatment tips very unpopular. You just take the green bananas, Peel, wash clean the plastic and then pureed. Take this mixture of cut up meat and skin have Acne to within 15-20 minutes then rinse with cold water.  

Acne cures the meat with pineapple

Pineapple fruit is not only healthy but also delicious are many sisters used to treat acne effectively. Every day you just up the pineapple slices onto the skin of acne, can combine the rub lightly up the acne spots to the amount of nutrients seep behind the skin helps remove acne faster. Persistence made each day will bring very good results.  =



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