Treat acne with sweet potatoes

Sweet Potato tubers is a very popular and close to the Vietnam. The main components of sweet potato is starch, there are also high in fiber and vitamins A, vitamin C, vitamin B6 ...

Sweet potatoes have more starch and fibre, vitamin A, vitamin C, vitamin B6 ...


With these you get pimples very should consider uses of sweet potatoes ... acne treatment formula here but slightly provincially but will help you fly away pimples fast. To treat acne you grab a 40 g sweet potatoes, 40 g dandelion leaves, mixed with a little sugar or honey cane wrapped in cloth, mashed up spicy up pimples. Just apply a few days you will see a significant decrease in pimples.

Sweet potato leaves

50 grams of sweet potato leaves, 12 grams green beans, add salt, mashed and retire to the acne, then wash your face with clean water.

Some note when facial beauty from sweet potato

To promote optimal sweet potato the effect of facial beauty, you need to select the paring-sized, fresh, new sweet potato is best, not by fibrosis, no germ, all the color, there is high humidity.

When the preliminary processing of sweet potatoes to make masks, if only use sweet potatoes without using the best water you should hâp how to retain nutrients in sweet potatoes.

Before the face mask with sweet potatoes, you should wash your face clean facial sauna steam and warm water to enhance the effectiveness of facial beauty of sweet potatoes.=



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