What is the most important for skin care and habits before age 40?

According to Dr. Ciraldo, the founder "Dr.Loretta Skincare" recommends that using whitening products and reducing wrinkles is extremely important, to prevent deep wrinkles or freckles that appear by changes. Microorganisms such as excess pigment and loss of collagen. These changes start from the age of 20, but happen so slowly that you often don't realize them until the age of 30 and 40. By that time, it would be much more difficult to treat.

Getting familiar with the serum types containing vitamin C is one of the most important ingredients to be used in the 20s and 30s, because it helps prevent freckles before it starts to appear. Vitamin C is an amazing whitening and firming agent, because it increases collagen, has antioxidant properties and protects skin from UV rays. Use in the morning, before the moisturizing step and sunscreen for double protection.

Remove dead cells 2 to 3 times a week.

Fast aging skin may also be because you are lazy to remove dead skin, fortunately, exfoliation 2 to 3 times a week can help solve the problem, or at least partially prevent it. You should choose chemical exfoliation instead of physical, avoid scrubs with scrub seeds because they can damage delicate skin. Besides, regular exfoliation helps other skin care products (such as your vitamin C serum) penetrate better!

For sunscreen is a central step in your skincare cycle. If you only use one type of anti-aging product in your skincare cycle, it should be a sunscreen. It's never too late to start protecting your skin from UV rays because sunscreen is the key to keeping your youth alive. Dermatologists recommend sunscreen products with an SPF of 30 daily (and ideally throughout the day) to keep skin fresh, and most importantly, safe.

Don't forget moisturizers and softeners

Over time, your skin will become drier, flaky and dull, meaning you have a habit of protecting the skin's natural moist barrier as soon as possible. There are some really effective moisturizing ingredients that dermatologists recommend: Sodium hyaluronate - a derivative of hyaluronic acid. It is also a great ingredient to moisturize, slow down aging and reduce wrinkles, and it really gives a miracle to the area around the eyes that are sensitive and easy to wrinkle deeply.

Combine retinol into your cycle

Like vitamin C should be used in the morning, retinol should be used at night. Dermatologists agree that you should start using high quality retinol at night from the time you were 20 years old, because this ingredient will protect the skin from wrinkles and promote collagen production. Retinol is a hard-to-maintain material, so make sure you choose the right type of product that is frozen, dim light, and don't open it in the sun. In addition, retinol can cause allergies, so start by using it 1 to 2 times a week, and follow up, then use it every day.

Skin care both bright and dark - and remember, always wash your face!

Just like brushing your teeth, just applying your skin once a day is not enough. Because day care is to protect your skin, night care is to take care of and recreate it. Performing a skincare cycle before bed and after waking up is the key. And whatever you do, make sure you clean your skin, every morning and every night. If you only have enough energy to do one thing before going to bed, leave that to the dirt and makeup on your skin after 1 day. Not washing your face means accumulating toxins, making your skin dull and patchy, and accelerating the aging process faster. So start here!



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