White bath recipe with turmeric for skin extremely effective summer day

Way 1:

White bath with turmeric formula doesn't do skin irritation.

Materials: 200 grams of flour, 100 ml fresh milk

How to do: For turmeric powder and fresh milk were prepared in a bowl, then beat both hands until mixture forms a smooth match, then stop. DAB the mixture just created onto the body massage combined with the warmth of the hand by hand to help the solution penetrate deeply into the skin to be. Keep the mixture on the skin for 10 minutes then clean bath with warm water. You can add a DAB of olive oil to provide essential moisture to the skin.

Method 2:

Use 1 cup of oatmeal, 1 cup of fresh powder, 2 tablespoons of honey and a little milk, mix well. This mixture is fairly white skin dose effectively and should be used 2 reclaimed 1 week, you will get unexpected results. Oatmeal and technology will help cleanse your skin, the color white and return to help the skin smooth. Honey will supplement the humidity helps the skin is always soft. Besides, the small scars or bruises, thanks to technology also gradually fade away after several uses.

Method 3:

Mix 1 spoon rose water with turmeric powder, then add about 1/2 table spoon of curd. Stir the mixture and apply to the body. The type of this mask will help the facial muscles are relaxed, increased skin elasticity and skin rejuvenation.=



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