You will own a young face like twenties if you do this massage at home

Extension of youth is the dream of millions of women around the world. While modern technologies offer measures to reduce wrinkles, tighten skin such as liposuction or botox injections, Japanese people remain loyal to classic skin care methods. One of Japan's most famous anti-aging methods.


This method helps blood circulation and impact on the muscles, reduce excess fat, skin tone, and push toxins and sebum to cause darkening, acne, wrinkles . down to the neck and dissipate gradually. Not only helps to minimize the appearance of wrinkles, this massage also helps her to maintain the natural pink ruddy and smooth gloss, making her face radiant and young at age ten.


Reduces wrinkles, especially wrinkles on both sides of the nose when laughing and crow's feet in the corners of the eyes. Making the nose slim, small in the face, gradually reaching the chin v-line due to excess fat being destroyed. elastic for the skin, the skin surface feels tighter. Bring pink to the skin, improve skin dullness or gray, pale.


Reflex blood circulation circulation

Apply 2 hands to the temples, lightly press on the temporal and acupuncture points under the ears and pull down to the collarbone. Do 3 times with a moderate amount of force to prevent the skin from sagging. Should be combined with lotion or lotion in this step.

Massage the forehead

Place 3 fingers on each hand on the center of the forehead and then slowly pull it to the temples. Press lightly in the temporal lobe for 3 seconds and then continue to pull down to the point under the ear and to the collarbone.

Massage the eye area

Place your index finger and middle finger at the end of the eye and pull it gently to the corner of the eye. Hold acupuncture points at the corner of the eye for about 3 seconds and then continue to follow the upper eyelid line on the temples. Press the temples, pull down the acupuncture points under the ears and end at the collarbone.

Massage around the mouth

Use 3 fingers on each hand placed in the middle of the chin, then gently put the ring through the mouth, up to the middle.

Massage around the nose

Use 2 index and middle fingers to move up and down about 3-4 times around the nose wing along the nose, back up to the corner of the eye. Here, the fingers glide under the lower eyelid, moving to the temples. Sun pressure, under ear and stop at the collarbone.

Massage in the center

The central part of the face is the triangle created by the chin and eyes. Use 2 fingers on each hand to place on your chin and start moving up to eye bags. From the eye bags, fingers move along the lower eyelids, out to the temples. Sunstroke, pull down the acupoint under the ear and end at the collarbone.

Chin lift massage

The right palm applies to the right jaw bone and raises its chin up. Use 3 fingers on the left hand to place on the left chin and drag diagonally to the temples. Sunstroke, brought down to the grave under the ear, stopped at the collarbone. Then change the implementation side.

Half face lift

Place the soft part of the hand under the chin and then around the mouth to the center. The middle human, hands go through the cheekbones to the temples. Reflexology in the temples, pulling down the acupuncture points under the ear and ending at the collarbone.

Lifting cheeks

Use the soft part of the thumb placed under the chin and then push it gently, pulling it diagonally to the temple. Reflexology in the temples, pulling down the acupuncture points under the ear and ending at the collarbone.

Stretching face skin

Place two thumbs under the chin. The index and middle fingers of each hand are clustered in the bridge of the nose. Gently push the index finger and middle finger to the sides, stopping at the temples. Sunlight acupressure and then pull it down to the point under the ear and end at the collarbone.

Forehead muscle lift and finish

Use 2-3 fingers on the center of the forehead and move zigzac across the forehead. Place your fingers on the center of the forehead, pulling from the center of the forehead to the sun's jaw, continuing to pull to the point under the ear and stopping at the collarbone. This step is very slow and relaxing for the blood to circulate, giving the face a gentle relaxation.

Each movement should be done 3-5 times.

Make sure you clean your face and hands before massaging.



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