Tips coloring costume for ladies under par

According to the theory of marble, the environment consists of 5 elements are metals (metals), Moc (plants), hydraulic (water), fire (fire), Earth (ground), between the "" always have the support or suppress each other creating the correlation or relationship. Moreover each "" brings a distinctive colors such as: metal-white, wood-Fire-Red, green ... to grasp the rules of marble, apply in fashion in General as well as in choosing the colors of costumes in particular, especially in the early days of the new year is always a lot of interest.

Especially with Office, when that outfit is almost a direct influence on the work as well as their lives, then the selection more important than. If you choose the right combination of colors with your destiny, you'll see a lot of luck, work will benefit. So instead of choosing according to interests, why you do not select the proper wing destined to add good luck earlier in the year.

1. Mission Kim: yellow, white

People of destiny in colours should select the Needle a destiny as: pure white, yellow and metallic tone, especially interested in the tone is yellow because these are medium tones in its Territory while Kim destiny (Native born Kim). You can choose for themselves the Needles destined to a bright yellow dress to start a work day full of energy and enthusiasm. A few light gold metallic accessories will add a charming, feminine appearance. Also if you prefer background beauty, the elegant tone white outfit: shirt, pants, vest ... simple gentle would be the incredibly great suggestions for you.

Rustic mission: Blue

Under the law, the Rustic marble aquatic costumes tone Blue will bring more luck to you her destiny is here. However Rustic tone color with lots of different colors: blue, black blue purple green to. To suit the Office environment that requires serious and norm, you can select those dark green for his clothes. The color purple blue green, black coal as quite religious and easy distribution map, you only need to match them with a bright color to create contrast or an entire tree are very suitable.

Destiny Cards: black-white

Lady destiny Cards should favor more than two tone black and white by black in a destiny Cards should be closely related to the water while the white colour so Kim (Kim b. Cards). The combination of black and white Integrated Marine mission accidentally makes her work don't worry what to think when choosing costumes. It's simply two tones "classics" in the fashion palette, a classic combination that can fit every style, personality and especially never errors of each.

Mission to Mars: green and Red

MOC b. should Fire the luck, goes well and confident of the Moc will propagate out to the fire as if the fire mission select dress green colour. Besides, the warm colors such as red rose carries the characteristics of Fire will also bring a lot of good things. To work on the early days in this world, nothing can be more wonderful than a bright red dress so famous, besides, you can also choose the affective tone than pastel pink or red as gently to have a real young fresh looks, charming.

Mission: red, pink and yellow, Brown

You should choose the colors of the Turkish Mission taking heavy fire, because according to the marble, the Turkish-born Fire should the tone of red, hot pink or orange would be the best choice. In addition, yellow and golden brown color is a mission should also match those destined. Can say, new year is around the time that she was destined to Turks can be beautiful wherever you are with the two tone color red and yellow highlights. You will satisfy health an the bright colours for if white light skin property, but if your skin black bass tone, the sultry brunette as golden brown, camel, gold land, red heat ... will mix color and help you look, more luxurious and more.=



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