What to wear to the Office the rainy day Hunter?

Forecast precipitation and moderate frosts very uncomfortable. Because in addition to wearing a lot of clothes to keep warm, you were a dirty Scotch makes rain. Especially important administrative meetings at the company then your discomfort increases.

However there are very simple recipes in the dress help you dispel the uncomfortable and confidence to work on the rain.

Life jackets

Why are life jackets? Because no kind of Austria would hold heat well with life jackets. Not to mention, the material is also waterproof, floats help you not get wet. And if there's dirty float up, lem you can easily wipe off with a damp towel.

For men the thick coat cộp district is a reasonable choice for the guy going to do work in this weather. In addition to the vest as normal, in the rainy day cold spell the guy should choose clothing with warm thickness so will be good for the body. Life jackets for men very diverse styles, energetic, powerful, very suitable for the guy.

For females, the select life jackets needed more thoroughly. The slender girl might choose the life jackets so young and adorable. While with her chubby then need to select life jackets, long and dark red envelope through the hips or hip mogul.

High neck leather boots square Empire

Why is high neck leather boots? Like life jackets, skin-safe material in the rain. High neck designs help you stay warm and clean feet. While the Roman Empire square minimize dirty shot. Leather boots are also very easy to wipe off dirt with a damp towel.

Whether you are male or female, high leather boots-square soles are very personality and fit. It also brings another appearance on 1 usually 1 bit.

Dark jeans

Of course it should be dark colored when going on in the rain. But why is the jeans? Open jeans material than the other pants fabric material. It's much more dry, not adhesion to the skin that makes you lose your aesthetic. Moreover, with more facility also jeans and brings warmth to you.

With the girlfriend, a little bit short jeans and hugging will fit over long and wide heel-covered jeans is.=



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