10 spooky experiment with kids

10. Test the Lair of bandits

Many violent riots, arson and looting have occurred when the researchers want to know the extent of the conflict can start in childhood. They sent 22 boy is sent to a summer camp.

9. the third wave

After 4 days, the test method of education projects in the classroom, the scientist was forced to stop because of the reaction of students are said to be beyond control. The students have become the wicked mind.

8. Albert Elves

In the experiment, an 11-month-old child was taken for different items. Each time the child interacts with the body were a hammer next to the first child will Pant to cause the child to become scared them.

7. Cliff illusion

To come to the conclusion should not let small children near the high area, the team has set the young children at the top of a curtain created the illusion. The mother of the children had tried to seduce the cows through the "Cliff".

6. Testing the brittle, broken toys

With the aim of exploring guilt, researchers for the children to play a special toy, to be put to a broken, shattered. When that happens, researchers will say "Oh, my God!" and look purge purge on the child. The test had hurt many.

5. home experiments

At the University in the 1950s, people have "borrowed" children from the orphanage to do experiments. The students then can practice the theory of child care , latest on the object by the bones with the meat.

4. study of monsters

In a group of children, the researchers will spend the negative commentary for children who stutter and praise children for not getting that error. The result is, all kids are develop stammering.

3. David Reimer

The experiment led to the tragic death of boy Reimer. While circumcised the boy's penis, Reimer has been burned. A psychologist proposes a solution to change gender, an opportunity to delineate between the process of nurture and nature, innate. However, Reimer has denied its new identity and eventual suicide.

2. bobo doll experiment

A group of children was to see a video scene adult the punching, kicking and hitting a clown. When it was put in a room with clowns, they immediately began to attack this character.

1. Anesthesia

Before 1985, the surgery for children do not need anesthesia still considered normal, even for heart surgery. The doctor at the time, support the view that "children, unlike adults, do not fall into a shock though have to suffer pain to".=



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