10 taboo food for children under 1 year old

1. Salt

Salt is a very important spice in human life. Salt helps the body's organs to function normally. However, for children under 1 year old, salt is one of the "great cavalry".

For young children, the amount of salt the body needs every day is usually very small. This salt is often available in baby foods such as meat, fish, fruits, milk . So, adding salt or fish sauce (as Vietnamese mothers still do) at mealtime Infant's weaning is not necessary.

2. Road

As we all know, consuming a lot of sugar will lead to bad consequences. So is for young children. The amount of sugar that a baby under 1 year old needs every day is actually available in fruits, starchy foods . that the baby eats should not need to add sugar.

It is also harmful for children to eat sweets too soon. Foods high in sugar will cause adverse effects on children's teeth development.

3. Honey

Honey contains a lot of nutrients and vitamins that are good for the body. However, for the immature digestive system of children, honey is not a suitable choice. In honey contains clostridium botulinum spores, substances that cause botulism poisoning.

For adults, these spores are completely harmless because the digestive system is 'mature', enough to neutralize these spores. For young children, the digestive system is still in the process of improvement so it is not enough to eliminate toxins from honey. Therefore, mothers should keep in mind, don't let me eat honey too soon.

4. Eggs

Eggs are foods that contain good protein for the body. However, it is easily allergic to young children. For babies under 6 years of age, eating egg white can cause urticaria, eczema and other diseases.

In addition, if you give your child the egg yolk, she must also make sure the eggs are boiled thoroughly before feeding them.

5. Fresh milk (cow's milk)

In fresh milk there are many vitamins and minerals, especially the protein content of fresh milk is even twice as high as that of breast milk. However, children under 1 year old should not use cow's milk.

The reason is that the baby's immature digestive system is now incapable of metabolizing protein, making their kidneys and stomach 'overloaded'.

6. Chocolate

Chocolate contains high levels of caffeine and sugar, not a suitable food for children under one year of age.

7. Seafood with shells

The shellfish such as shrimp, crab, shellfish, snails . are very easy to cause allergy, so doctors especially recommend that mothers should only feed them after the first year of life.

8. Citrus fruits and strawberries

These fruits contain a lot of vitamins but have a high acid content, which is easily irritating to a young infant's stomach. Children under 1 year of age do not need to abstain from these fruits, but they should not feed their babies too much to avoid affecting their stomach.

9. High fiber foods

Fiber is good for the digestive system, but for young children, it is a "burden". High-fiber foods such as bread, black bread . make your baby feel too fast, make him bored of other foods and reduce the absorption of some important nutrients like calcium and iron.

10. Types of nuts

Most nuts are rich in vitamins and healthy fats. However, for children under 1 year of age, mothers should not offer raw foods because they can cause allergy or allergy (such as beans, peanuts).



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