10 types of food are absolutely not allowed for children under 3 years of age: The 5th dish looks harmless but unbelievably harmful

1. Chocolate

Children often like to eat sweets, chocolate is no exception. But the amount of sugar and salt in chocolate is not entirely good for children. Not only does it form acid that erodes tooth enamel, but it also causes children to be full stomach, indigestion makes children inhibited the nervous system, difficulty sleeping, frustrating, irritable.

2. Nuts: sunflower, pumpkin, melon

Not only seeds, but granular foods such as candy, snack, etc. should also be avoided because children are not fully aware and actively eat these foods, leading to the shell being trapped in the trachea, causing should suffocate.

3. Canned food

Processed packaged food. Although it can save time for mothers, it is extremely harmful for children. In fact, processed products all contain additives, preservatives, even more salt, sugar, fat is not good for the health and development of children.

4. Dumplings

Dumplings are a very indigestible food. Children under 3 years old, the digestive system is not complete, eating such a indigestible food causes children to have full stomach, sleepless sleep. Even makes children choke, suffocate, extremely dangerous.

5. Fruit juice

It sounds harmless, but mothers must never give it to their children. Because in the pressing process, the amount of fiber in the fruit is lost, the rest is mainly sugar - the material is not dark with the child's digestive system, which is easy to lead to diarrhea. Mothers should choose the best ripe soft fruits and thin slices or beams for children to eat.

6. Peanut butter

Mothers should not feed their children peanut butter or other difficult to swallow butter. Instead, spread the butter over bread or crackers, so dilute it with apple sauce before applying it.

7. Fresh water

According to nutrition experts, soft drinks are loaded with sugar and tons of chemicals, which can quickly wreak havoc on children's teeth development, even affecting their brain and health.

8. Salt

Salt is an indispensable micronutrient for our development. Babies and young children also need salt but only need a very small amount in the diet. If exceeded, will affect the kidney and brain of the child. The mother does not need to put salt on the map, because the vegetables themselves, the meat and fish already contain the necessary amount of mosquitoes.

9. Raw eggs

Eggs are rich in protein and vitamin D, however, eggs are an allergen to children, especially raw or undercooked eggs. When the child is 1 year old, mothers should only feed the yolk well-cooked. If the child is a little older, the mother can feed the whole white

10. Fish is high in mercury

That can be sharks, swordfish, tuna, mackerel . they contain high levels of mercury and greatly affect the development of the child's nervous system.



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