12 funniest reason to your daughter

1. Daughter thanks to Reverend

Ironically, when most of the husbands live generous all wish yourself born a girl. What to do? Please ladies, so he looks at me remind yourself "Live to Germany for the child". Because of the child that the parent can keep his commandments, removed the disabled as not good, eliminate the jobs left conscience out of his life. Not because "his son thanks to her" that when the son he didn't bother, but ended the haunting "the daughter thanks to father" always maximize the effects of it.

2. Proud girl dressed in beautiful

No parents would not proud when their children compliment anybody. Of course the eating of children wear also are very stylish and aesthetic. Clothing and footwear, hats, accessories, even jewelry for my daughter always rich, diverse in type, code samples than map's son. It's also the reason these mothers who have sons always distorted face when shopping for the child, and the mother has her daughter always fresh exposures Coordinator.

3. My daughter very tidy

You don't have to go back and clean up applauding toys after baby has finished playing. When up to four years, after playing the map every daughter will clean up the toy store on the corner of the House neat. Also we only make parents to son opens things back-mounted map was chipped, broken eyeglass frames chỏng [172] following the "test, finding stuff". No mothers fathers would patient enough to not "you" if they just "hard" they like.

4. a girl make sure are

Many mothers hurt their daughter since birth, that my daughter so it will be very miserable. Because the daughter so make sure are, even in the House will know. My daughter will help Cabinet bringing mom and dad get the delicious meal, washing all clothes, sweeping the home belied. Meanwhile his son just indiscriminately, cluttering things up.

In addition to running the football, then jump back son chúi nose in the computer training room, help parents know or really anything with anyone.

5. the thoughtful girl with parents

When a parent is ill, has a daughter in the party. My daughter would worry parents ever care, will cook the hot porridge Bowl, will worry about medications. Also his son? They will have to resort to a maid or a nurse in the hospital.

6. new girl Just pluck the hair silver for parents

Only new top comb hair plaited daughters help mom, pluck silver hair for you. Also my son don't dream of them doing it.

7. The daughter sings for her parents hear

My daughter can sing for her parents to hear, the only son of love songs for the hearing. In the priority list of the son, the odds very mention her parents. Also my daughter, mom and dad are always there especially.

8. Parents have the right to "challenge the wedding" when his daughter

This is the privilege of parents over girl. Also the hard custody and care of the child should the wife should her husband, but only the new bride's parents have the right to challenge for the wedding. The House has a son will have headaches with the "wedding challenge" from through the future.

9. My daughter is always looking on with parents

Whether happy or sad, the girl always looking about her parents. Especially when there are problems in the marriage, the daughter will find a way back home to his native father. Truth! Have you ever seen a young man angry with his wife but hug my parents home clothes? Where the boys look up to is definitely a pub that does that.

10. Will be promoted to his grandparents

Just had a new baby girl born to his parents, the lovely grandchildren. The mother will have the joy of seeing his son duplications was also held with women's motherhood. Women are people born with mankind. They are always proud of that.

11. My daughter will know to arrange everything even when parents travel

There, his daughter as being borne more hands more. My mother will be assured when travel away because her daughter would worry things at home. My daughter will convince your dad fuck your "noodles" and bringing a delicious meal for your father. Also my son will just know learn more dishes to "boil" pretty what they steal in the kitchen, and the risk of nutritional deficiency for both of you is what can happen.

12. My daughter know about budget and income "pay the price"

Has a daughter, money markets are measured, and a good daughter should pay the low budget deficit. My son just brought to market basket handbag for people suits!=



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