3 dishes made in less than 10 minutes are incredibly rich in nutrients: Mom is busy so don't ignore them

When should children start weaning?

According to nutrition experts: when the baby is 6 months old, the energy from breast milk is only enough to supply about 450kcal / day, while this period, the baby needs about 700kcal / day. This is the time when a baby needs to eat weaning to make up for this gap of energy shortage.

For babies who are not exclusively breastfed before 6 months of age (using foods other than breast milk), being able to feed babies early before 1-2 months will reduce the risk of allergies.

The mother noted, do not give food before 4 months of age. Because the baby's body does not have enough amylase enzymes to digest the powder, resulting in a deficiency of essential, important nutrients from breast milk. Children will have a high risk of diarrhea, digestive disorders. Here are 3 nutritious weaning formulas, very good for children, the mothers should refer.

Food No. 1: Sweet potato porridge and apples


- 20g sweet potatoes

- 30g apples


Step 1: Remove the sweet potatoes, wash, then slice thinly

Step 2: Steam or boil for taro.

Step 3: Apple peeled, pureed to get water.

Step 4: Mix 2 tablespoons of sweet potato and 5 tablespoons of apple juice to make a smooth mixture, then heat up to eat.

Food No. 2: Bread milk porridge


+1 slice of pillow cake

+ 15 ml of breast milk or formula milk


Step 1: Comb remove the entire outer rim of the bread, shredded white intestine. Pour about 15 ml of boiling water to cool, boil the bread and then sifted.

Step 2: Mix bread with breast milk or formula milk into a liquid mixture and cook hot.

Food No. 3: Chicken egg congee


+ 1 chicken egg. Take only 2/3 of the egg yolks.

+ Rice.


Step 1: Cook the white porridge as usual, without any other spices.

Step 2: When the porridge is hot, add the egg yolk and stir well.

Step 3: Add a few drops of olive oil to the porridge.

The mother noted: Egg porridge is very perishable, so mothers should let it cool and feed the baby right after cooking.



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