3 extremely poisonous food, do not be fooled by the mother, so that you can eat before you receive the disease

Processed meat

In the nutritional component, including processed meats such as sausages, canned meat, bacon . are all unhealthy foods for babies, so mothers should never give them to children. The composition of these meats is high in fat, and low in carbohydrates and proteins.

In addition, processed meat products contain nitrite, a food preservative that adversely affects human health. Processed meat components that contain excess nitrite can cause leukemia, esophagus, pancreas, bladder and thyroid. Therefore, parents should limit feeding baby processed meats to ensure the healthy development of the baby.

Processed foods are not good for children


In the nutritional composition of margarine is also a dangerous product for health that few parents know. This plant-based ingredient is primarily made up of unsaturated fat. These fats are susceptible to oxidation by heat and light. When oxidized, they cause many unhealthy problems.

In addition, margarine also lacks the vitamin and mineral content necessary for the development of the mother, do not be fooled to feed children with lots of butter, which causes obesity, heart disease and overweight.

Butter food is harmful to health

Processed seafood

Many mothers often feed their children processed seafood because it is both fast and nutritious. But mothers do not know in artificial seafood products such as shrimp, fish ball, squid . containing a lot of additives such as flavoring, food coloring, gelatin . These substances are not good for health and high carcinogen potential. So parents should limit feeding baby seafood products available.



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