3 good qualities of a mother will help children to grow up to be upright, intelligent, successful people

Mother is the best example, helping to perfect the child's personality

Mom is an example with tremendous power in forming a child's personality. Facing difficulties, if the mother is persistent and not discouraged, I can be confident and always looking forward. Facing a stalemate, a mother must keep her faith in the future, she can live comfortably and carefree. Therefore, along with asking children to do this and that, forcing them to study throughout the night, I also need to pay attention to my actions and words, so that my personality becomes the most complete.

Here are three good qualities a mother should maintain, which will convey to her the most positive energy source.

1. Respect your privacy

Whether you are big or small, you need your own space, and you should respect the privacy of your children. Do not arbitrarily penetrate or delve into secrets you do not want to talk about, like reading your diary or rummaging through your book bag. If you confide in your own privacy, respect your child, do not arbitrarily disclose your privacy, or mention others.

2. Keep the promise

Mothers should remember to keep the promise, especially with you is very important. Because you become sincere or false, it is all decided in this quality of motherhood. Motherhood, when you have agreed with the requirements of the children, you should arrange time to fulfill that promise. Thus create trust in the heart of the child. Otherwise, if swallowing words, children will unknowingly learn to swallow words, be irresponsible and apply to life.

3. Few complaints, comparisons

No matter how upset you are, never compare your child to another child. Instead, be happy to help your child explore potential abilities, encourage him / her to live true and be confident of himself. If parents often complain, comparing their children to others only makes them obsessed and jealous.



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