3 simple ways to help parents cope with their bad habits

1. Let your children learn from their mistakes

Instead of overprotecting children, parents should teach their children how to deal with mistakes, find ways to overcome the consequences, and learn from experience so that they will not be punished next time. Sometimes criticizing and teaching will make children more panicked, unable to fully understand and even create resentment. Example: If you need to finish your homework tomorrow, it's too late. Instead of forcing your child to stay up all night, let him get a poor, strict score on him. From there you will be conscious, self-consciously arrange scientific time.

2. Find the cause for the child's bad behavior

Many children often get angry and irritable for no reason. Parents should remember, not because of their erratic temperament, but always bring with them "their own sufferings". So instead of yelling at you, find a way to listen to me. Even if it is a very small reason, children, even selfish because they want to get what they like. Only then can you disassemble and shape your child's personality in a timely manner.

3. Remember that kindness is a miracle

"Love for the whip" is necessary, but parents should love and be close to their children. Listen, be close, become a "close friend" so that your child will never feel lost or lonely. When you are wrong, you can yell at you, but you must know your limits. Never use market language or harsh punishments. The child will become close to you, even more wrong.



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