4 golden foods for babies during weaning period, knowledgeable mothers should not ignore them

Red pumpkin

In the nutritional composition of pumpkins, there are many vitamins and beneficial nutrients, so parents should feed pumpkin babies at 6 months of age. Note on how to prepare and feed the child as follows: Mother should keep pumpkin soft and tender so that the baby can eat better. Mom should only give your baby a maximum of 2 meals a week because it is nutritious.


Potatoes are one of the tubers that many people choose to prepare weaning foods for their children because of the nutritious and easy to eat. Potatoes are high in amino acids that play an important role in a child's development and have a protein equivalent to the protein in eggs. During the weaning stage, babies can eat potatoes mixed with milk, porridge or simply boiled or steamed.

Avocado is good for baby food


In the nutritional composition of this fruit is considered as one of the first mile foods extremely good for children because it contains protein, vitamins A, C, Folate, minerals and lots of unsaturated fats.

In addition, the composition of the avocado is almost hypoallergenic and soft, smooth and creamy so the child can easily eat and digest well. Parents cut ripe avocado into pieces and then mashed the baby to eat or combine mashed butter with milk, cereal flour.


In the nutritional composition of white cabbage contains high fiber content, white radish is also a vegetable with many vitamins and minerals such as calcium, potassium, manganese, iron, low potassium and absolutely no cholesterol.

Potatoes are good for babies during weaning

In addition, white cabbage contains vitamin C component in white radish which can enhance the body's immunity very well when feeding baby.



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