4 mistakes for babies to bathe in danger, spend 1 minute reading to protect your baby

Bathe 'clean' every day

Many mothers want to give their children clean and fragrant so they give their babies a bath every day. Many people think that giving babies a lot of bathing will make them grow faster each day.

But this is not necessary because with babies only need to bathe 2-3 times / week is appropriate. She doesn't need to bathe her too much to protect her skin and body from dry skin or colds that cause colds.

Do not wash your baby's hair first

Wash your baby's hair first

Most mothers have a habit of washing their hair first and bathing after this, but this habit will be bad for children, because the brain concentrates many important body lines if the mother bathes the baby suddenly, which will affect the Your baby's central nervous system.

The best way to bathe is that she needs to wash her baby's hair after cleaning her face so that her brain can receive and adapt to her body changes.

Bath is too hot or too cold

When bathing your baby, you should not bathe in water that is too hot or too cold because your baby's skin is too sensitive. Therefore, when bathing the mother, bathing water should be mixed, mothers need to make sure the water is warm enough.

In addition, mothers can use their elbows or wrists to feel if the water temperature is appropriate or, more accurately, they can use a thermometer to check the temperature of the thermal bath 37-38 degrees C is most appropriate. .

Do not bathe the baby with too hot or cold water

Wet your baby's navel when bathing

For young children in the umbilical region is an extremely important area, so when bathing the mother, it is necessary to limit it to affect this sensitive area of ​​the baby. If your umbilical cord is infected, it will affect your health.

Therefore, when bathing, the mother needs to be long and clean with cotton to avoid the umbilical infection of the baby. When the bath is finished, the mother should wash her baby's belly button with a solution of rubbing her umbilical cord gently so that her baby's skin will not be damaged



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