5 bad habits after eating a lot of pregnant women

Reading books

Reading books and newspapers after eating is a bad habit because it increases blood levels in the brain, resulting in a relative reduction in blood supply to the digestive system, affecting gastric secretion. If the mother elects reading books and newspapers after a meal, it can cause indigestion, flatulence, abdominal pain and other symptoms.

Eat fruit after a meal

Many mothers elected to use fruits to eat after meals but this is extremely harmful.

Eating fruit after a meal will make blood sugar easily lead to diabetes in pregnancy, endangering the health of pregnant women.

The ketone compound is also due to the effect of bacteria in the stomach converting into OH2 root acid. Fresh fruits are absorbed into the body and contain a lot of sulfuric acid salts.

Due to the effects of these two compounds, thyroid disorders will result, leading to typical thyroid swelling.

After eating should not drink tea

Mother drinking a cup of green tea or black tea after a meal will make the baby unable to absorb the nutrients. The reason is that tea contains a lot of tanna acid which makes protein and iron in food quickly precipitate. Bad habits after this meal will cause indigestion, reduced ability to absorb nutrients, especially iron. Which mothers know, iron is extremely necessary for pregnant mother and fetus.

Ketone compounds also cause indigestion, digestive disorders, bloating, and diarrhea.

Drinking iron is also a bad habit after a meal

Many pregnant mothers often take iron immediately after a meal but forget that it will reduce iron absorption. Ideally, please wait after 1 hour and then add iron tablets because then the food has less digestibility, the ability to absorb iron will be higher. At the same time, after drinking, the mother needs to do is walk gently, not to go like exercise to avoid stomach irritation.


Bathing immediately after a meal is not good for health, especially pregnant mother, this will make the blood vessels in the body expand and the blood rushes down, the amount of blood needed to accumulate to the abdominal cavity will be deficient. and disturbs the digestion of food.

More seriously, taking a bath immediately after eating puts you at risk of sudden hypoglycemia, which can cause sudden death in the bathroom if your mother is tired. So if you want to take a bath, relax, wait at least 1 hour after the meal!



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