5 mistakes in teaching children that parents often make children become stubborn and difficult in the future

Excessive reaction when you make a mistake

When your child makes a mistake, analyze the child to see what mistakes he is making, not overreacting by yelling at him, frightening him.

The act of making eye contact, raging with children will be actions that make children vulnerable to mental, excessive fear of their mistakes. This caused a puzzling psychology for children later. Instead, parents should talk and analyze for them to understand what they have done wrong and let them learn the lesson for themselves.

Do not discipline children

Many parents are too strict with children, but there are many people who do not set any discipline for their children, so that their children can develop their freedom of lack of discipline. Excessive child-loving parents make it easy for children to give themselves all. He considers himself the center of the universe, which causes him to be easily shunned by people.

Parents should teach their children to live by discipline, live by the principles and standards that they need to be aware of their actions, to know how to behave right and wrong.

Comparing your child to other people hurt your baby

Compare your child with that of a human being

Parents 'habits when they make a mistake are comparing their children to their neighbors' children. This comparison makes the child lack confidence in life and more aversion to his friend compared.

In addition, the comparison of children with neighbors' children makes them vulnerable to feeling confident and jealous of others. Therefore, parents should never compare their children to other people.

Flatter your child excessively

Many mothers always have their children at the center of the pillar, making them feel complacent towards their parents' flattering words. In addition, excessive flattery also makes children not realize their flaws in life but always think they are right with only the wrong person.

Psychological researchers say that encouragement for children is extremely important, but it is not good to be overly motivated and make children feel complacent and complacent about themselves.

Scold is not a good solution when you get up

Set expectations too high for children

When children give birth, they expect their children to become a better person than people. But the fact that we have high expectations for children will put children under pressure and fall into a state of fatigue and anxiety because of fear of not meeting the expectations set by their parents.

Let your child be free to do what they like in a certain framework, just need to grow up and be a good person, that useful person is the success of the parent.



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