7 ways to become the great mother in your eyes

1. Watch television with their children

You hug your baby and the same comment about animated films are broadcast on television. Your baby will also be very excited if be becomes the "announcer" for you with exciting situations are taking place.

In addition, there are other simple way to close with your baby.

2. A date with baby

It sounds strange but if you know how to create the chat sessions in the pool, cool will also very interesting with the baby.

You can walk around baby fist along the Lake, sit a stone for her hair plaited or simply playing catch-up at the same baby blue grass ... These activities help baby strengthen physically fit help refreshing spiritual mother.

3. put the nickname for baby

The baby is usually my parents set for a spiffy names to use in the home. This baby is the mouse, the other one is the baby bears, Porcupines ... The lovely nickname will emotional mother nature for because each names are tied to the mystery.

4. Set for kid humor questions

"If you had wings, then I want to fly away?", "after this I wanted to make the singer famous for?" ... is the playfully fun questions that she wanted to hear. Humour from mother to baby transmission and can cause the baby to want to close you over.

5. Along with the baby eats at least one meal per day

With the mothers work, then packed the same breakfast with baby is unsolvable task. For lunch, you eat outside should not count, only the dinner is the time to gather with family. This is also your opportunity to be close to the baby.

6. Always listen to baby

The kid are both considered important parents than anything. Many babies like dial on your mobile while you are working. Despite all these, you should also enable the emphasis to kid understand that: "mother always here and happy to hear you say" ...

7. Schedule of playing together baby

You should join the activities in the daily timetable, for example, if you have proposed rules, spend 15 minutes each way to play soccer the same baby then you should perform regularly and seriously. If for whatever reason that you miss the appointment with the child should explain to the baby out and not be sad.=



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