A 2-month-old baby girl wheezed, her mother voluntarily cured her in a way that caused her to die from respiratory failure

Subjectively, the wheezing, coughing is due to changing weather, so the family let her stay at home to treat herself, but then she suddenly died of severe respiratory failure.

In the past days, the North has been cold, at night 10-12 degrees Celsius, many children have to be hospitalized with respiratory diseases. It is worth mentioning that many parents see their children coughing, wheezing but subjective, thinking that they only have a normal runny nose, self-treatment at home. Results, many unfortunate cases have occurred.

Ths.BS Le Ngoc Duy, Deputy Head of Emergency Department - Anti-Poisoning (National Hospital of Pediatrics) said that recently, the Emergency Department received a case of a patient named NT (2 months old, in Hanoi) hospitalized in prolonged respiratory failure, cardiac arrest and then death.

It is known that at first, Mr. T. showed fever, cough, wheezing and runny nose, but because his family thought he had a flu due to changing weather, he only gave medicine to take herbal syrup and followed it. stay at home and not go to the doctor.

Two-month-old baby died by subjective mother

After 2 weeks, Mrs. T., started to have more severe symptoms such as difficulty breathing, high fever and breast-feeding . At that time, the family was afraid to take Mrs. T. to the emergency room, it was too late, she died after that is because of prolonged respiratory distress.

Dr. Duy said that the weather is currently in a period of many adverse changes to human health, especially young children such as: less sunlight, low air temperature . Since then, the bacteria, viruses easily penetrate into the body causing respiratory diseases.

Through the above case, Dr. Dung recommends that when children suffer from respiratory diseases, parents should not be subjective to self-treatment at home by folklore or treated with old prescriptions, because the virus can be transferred. quickly turn into pneumonia, bronchiolitis, can even be dangerous to young life.

'The fact that parents make homemade syrup for their children to drink or buy syrup from sources of medicinal materials of unknown origin and dirty medicinal materials will not be effective when giving them to children. In contrast, factors from fertilizers, pesticide residues, preservatives, high rates of fungal infections from contaminated medicinal herbs will build up in the body, causing other health problems, although it may be curable. some kind of disease. So is the benefit of harm '.

When your child is wheezing, let him see a doctor

Specialist warns signs of respiratory distress

Most symptoms of neonatal respiratory distress syndrome can be detected as soon as the baby is born. However, symptoms may also appear after 24 hours after birth. Common symptoms are:

- Shortness of breath, sudden, rapid breathing

- The nose is swollen, there is a groan when breathing out

- Contraction of the chest and intercostal muscles, concave sternum

- Purple body

- Heart beating fast

- Wheezing

- Sweating a lot

These symptoms are similar to symptoms of several other diseases and infections. If your baby has any of these symptoms, you should ask your doctor immediately to determine the cause and take necessary corrective measures.

Without timely care, this condition can cause blood carbon dioxide to rise, causing damage to the baby.



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