Attendance to allergy-prone foods in children, mothers with young children are especially careful


Milk is a food that provides good nutrition. In particular, it contains much calcium necessary for bone growth, increasing the height of the baby. However, this type of food is classified as hypoallergenic for children.

Milk allergy is one of the most common types of allergies in children, especially in young adults, accounting for about 2.5%. Experts say that exclusively breastfed babies are less likely to be allergic than formula-fed babies.

In addition, children under 1 year of age should not drink cow's milk because this is a high-protein milk that easily causes allergies. Babies allergic to cow's milk may also have similar reactions to goat's or sheep's milk. However, milk allergy usually resolves after the first 3 years of life, so mothers do not have to worry.

When a milk allergy is present, the child often presents with nausea, abdominal pain, diarrhea, wheezing, skin reactions (itching, hives). When seeing abnormal signs, mothers should let their children stop drinking milk. If the symptoms do not go away, seek medical attention immediately.


Eggs are a good, nutritious food that are easily processed into attractive dishes. However, when feeding mothers the eggs should be very careful. This food is very allergenic for infants, mainly allergy to proteins in egg whites.

Egg allergy symptoms can appear after a few minutes or hours when eating eggs / egg products. Children may have skin rashes, hives, rhinitis, and vomiting or other digestive problems or even anaphylactic, life-threatening shock.

Therefore, for children under 1 year of age, the mother should only let the baby use the yolk because there is a high protein content in the egg whites that can cause an allergic reaction.

Soy bean

Soy allergy is also a common phenomenon, on average about 0.4% of children suffer from this allergy. However, this is a mild allergy that does not affect children much.

Children with soy allergies often experience tingling in their mouths, rashes, itching, swelling, wheezing, runny or difficult breathing, abdominal pain, diarrhea and nausea.

A soy allergy usually occurs when the child is 7 years old and can persist to adulthood.


Children with stray allergies often have a rash, nausea, diarrhea or even life-threatening reactions, especially those with asthma. Children can be allergic even if they do not eat but only breathe in the smell of peanuts.

Children with a history of allergy should carry epinefrin with them for injection whenever needed.

Seafood with shells

Shrimp, crabs, shellfish, snails . are the types of seafood that seem to cause allergy to children. Experts recommend that mothers should not give seafood to children under 1 year old.

Some children only have a temporary allergy for a certain period of time, while others have a lifetime. Children allergic to shrimp and crabs are also susceptible to mollusks such as squid, octopus .

Common manifestations when a child has a seafood allergy are wheezing, coughing, nausea, pale skin, dizziness .



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