Bananas are good for babies, increase resistance, mothers apply immediately

The nutritional value of bananas

According to the nutrition researcher, if children eat two bananas a day, they will be good for health and provide enough potassium for the body, reduce the risk of blood clotting in the brain and stroke extremely effectively.

Bananas contain the potassium component in bananas to help regulate muscle tissue, increase digestion and metabolism in the body, helping children increase resistance. Bananas have a lot of energy, on average, one banana provides 400mg of potassium, while the body needs 4,700mg of potassium daily. Therefore, mothers should not feed the baby too much bananas.

Children eat bananas properly increase antibodies

Eating ripe bananas is best

Bananas contain a lot of sugar when eaten, which makes them soft and sweet when eaten. The starch content of green bananas has been completely converted to sugar and the chlorophyll has been transformed into a new form of antioxidant boost to help your child have a healthy body, boosting antibodies.

When feeding your child bananas, you should choose bananas with black spots that turn out to be nutritious and healthy bananas for your baby. But ripe black bananas are also incredibly nutritious. Every day you can feed your baby a banana to have a healthy digestive system and immune system.

Eating bananas is good for children's digestive system

Note: Although bananas are good for health, you should not give your baby hungry bananas because bananas are high in sugar, which will make them hungry and make their stomachs more ravenous.



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