Breastfeeding at breakfast is foolish: The mistake many Vietnamese mothers make makes babies full of indigestion


In the morning, many mothers often give milk to their babies, which many people often do and it does not cause any problems. But for small children, too much sugar can cause stomach upset by drinking milk on an empty stomach and prone to diarrhea.

In addition, if the baby only drinks milk but does not eat anything, it will convert the milk sugar in milk into glucose and galactose to absorb into the small intestine but directly into the large intestine, stimulating the colon to accelerate peristalsis, leading to abdominal pain. , diarrhea, stomach discomfort.

Cereal packed

Packaged cereals are often chosen by many mothers because of its convenience, but most packaged grains have high added sugar and few essential nutrients like fiber and protein. But when you feed your child a lot of packaged cereals, you should also limit eating and absolutely not use for breakfast because not only causes weight gain, which makes your child tired, tired in the morning.

Children who drink sweetened milk in the morning easily cause indigestion

Butter toast

In the morning, moms should not give their children butter toast because dairy products are all high in fat, which is made for your child to raise bad cholesterol, lower good cholesterol and increase the risk of cardiovascular disease or diabetes. Obesity is not good for the health of young children at all.


In the morning, mothers should not give fruit juice to children because most fruits provide important vitamins, minerals and antioxidants, but also most juices are high in sugar. and lack both fiber and protein. In addition, when the mother drinks a lot of juice, it can cause a drop in blood sugar, which reduces your energy in the morning.

If you prefer to drink at breakfast, look for one with a low sugar content and sip on something like whole grain bread, yogurt or eggs.

Ham is high in salt, which is not good for a child's health

Smoked pork

Although many people think that breakfast can eat bacon for added appeal, it's actually unhealthy and unhealthy foods for breakfast.

This is a high-fat food that will make you full for a long time and affect your movement during a working day. So, bacon is really unhealthy food and absolutely not good for your health if eaten at breakfast.



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