Breast-feeding mothers do not eat this food, so if the milk is exhausted, the child will grow pale and grow

In addition to increasing the intake of foods that increase lactation, mothers should promptly update foods that should not be eaten so that they do not lose milk suddenly and other risks affecting their health.

Pickled pickles

In salted cucumber contains digestive enzymes and beneficial bacteria, so it has a very good digestive effect, but it only works when it is ripe with salt and aroma.

With salted cucumber, short fermentation time, Nitrit content is still high, if combined with the second amino in shrimp, fish will form Nitrozamin which increases the risk of cancer. Particularly for salted tomato and solanine, it can cause poisoning.

Although there has not been any specific scientific research on salted pickles causing milk loss, many practical cases have shown that after eating cucumber, the mother has little or no milk.


In bamboo shoots containing many toxic substances, especially acid halide (HCN) can cause death in children. However, this poison is easily soluble in water and evaporates when boiling. To safely eat bamboo shoots, many families often soak bamboo shoots for several hours and boil it to remove HCN. For women who are breastfeeding, women should avoid eating bamboo shoots to avoid losing milk and affecting postnatal health


Many studies show that mothers who use too much peppermint as well as menthol will have an adverse effect on milk.

Syrups, candies made from peppermint oil are also considered to be one of the foods that lose milk that mothers need to avoid.

Drinking a cup of tea from mint leaves every day will help stabilize and comfort the mother after giving birth. However, if you drink too much mint, you will surely find that there is no more milk left for you.

Piper lolot

Leafy lilies are one of the top foods that make women quickly lose milk. Just take a quick look at eating a few pieces of guise leaves along with dishes (boiled leaf roll beef, banana leaf cooking snail .), you will lack breast milk for your baby.


Cabbage is a vegetable that causes milk loss. That is why people often use the method of putting hot cabbage leaves on their chest to reduce the tension of milk after birth. So if you do this too often or eat a lot of cabbage, it will reduce the amount of milk and lose completely.


Citrus fruits such as oranges, tangerines, grapefruit, switches, lemons . mothers should not eat much. But if the mother eats too much, it will cause the milk to be affected by the taste and the lactation is uncomfortable and likely to have diarrhea.

Mulberry leaves

It will come as a surprise that mulberry leaves are listed as foods that cause milk loss that mothers should avoid. Maybe my mother thought that drinking mulberry leaf water to change water daily would be good for health. However, this is not good for mother's milk at all


According to popular experiences, mothers who eat broccoli, cauliflower or vegetables cause bloating, which can cause it to be itchy and distended. Ideally, if a broccoli is suspected as a culprit, the mother may stop eating for a few days to monitor her symptoms for better progress. Do not stop completely but eat small amounts slowly to see your baby's reaction as this is a very good vegetable for health.

Spicy food

Many women have a taste for spicy food and tend to give spicy spices (pepper, chili .) when processing. She needs to eliminate this bad habit right away so as not to affect her health. Eating lots of spicy foods while breastfeeding will affect your child's digestive system. Besides, babies are also more likely to have problems with constipation, abdominal pain or irritability.


According to Oriental medicine, the fruits are sweet and sweet, average, non-toxic, and nourishing blood. Postpartum pregnant women can eat a small amount of fresh labels or dried labels to replenish blood and replenish air for the body. However, this kind of fruit is much more susceptible to heartburn, anxiety and stomach-ache, making breast milk hot and uncomfortable and crying. In addition, it makes both mother and child constipated.


The mother is in the stomach, the lining of the uterus has not fully recovered, eating a lot of easy to cause peaches, persistent bleeding. That is not to mention the hairy peach pods that are not peeled well can cause irritation of throat irritation, rash. Many babies who are breastfed and eat peaches are at risk of allergies. Therefore, she should only eat with a moderate amount


Parsley is also an herb with the peppermint family, so it can also reduce your milk consumption when consumed in large quantities. If you use traditional medicine, check carefully to make sure you don't consume significant amounts of parsley.



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