Children have 2 golden stages of height development, do not ignore lest they remain stunted forever

State 1:

The first 1000 days of a baby's life

This is the period when children will develop very quickly, there is a clear difference in height, weight over time. This is also a decisive stage to 60% of the child's height growth potential in the future. If well cared for at this age, babies can grow to be more than 40cm taller than when they were born.

Dr. Jay Hoecker, honorary member of the American Academy of Pediatrics, said: "From birth to 6 months of age, babies can grow to about 1.5-2.5cm per month and from 6 to 12 months. age, a baby will increase about 1cm / month. In the next two years, the baby will be 10cm taller / year ".

In other words, by the time your birthday is 1 year old, your baby's height has increased by one and a half times compared to birth. After 2 years of age, the baby's growth rate begins to slow down, only about 10cm per year, at the same time, the bone density also increases only about 1% a year for both boys and girls. And at the end of the first 1000 days of life, until the start of puberty, the speed of height increase of the baby slows down to only 5 - 6cm / year.

Therefore, in the first 6 months of life, it is best if the baby is exclusively breastfed. At weaning age, parents should give children a variety of foods but must ensure all 4 groups: protein, sugar, fat, vitamins.

However, do not force your child to overeat. Children should not eat too much carbohydrates, fats, sweets to avoid obesity. In addition, let children participate in many outdoor activities, wear comfortable clothes and go to bed on time, get enough sleep to promote maximum height development.

Stage 2: Puberty (10 - 18 years old)

Puberty usually occurs between 10 and 16 years of age for girls and 12-18 years for boys. This is the period of "speeding" and "finishing" of the height, because after this time, children can not grow any taller.

The characteristic of puberty is the tremendous growth in both muscles, skeletons as well as sexual functions. In particular, the height of the baby will increase very quickly, about 10-15cm / year.

Specifically: At the age of 10 years, every year girls increase 10cm height and gradually increase to reach 15cm / year at age 12. While the peak of height growth of boys is 10cm / year when being 12 years old and reaching a maximum of 15cm / year when she is 14 years old. The height growth rate will slow down when girls are 15 years old and about 17 years old in boys.

Thus, the time of maximum height development in children is 10 - 18 years old. It determines up to 23% of average height as babies grow up. Bone size, bone mass and mineral density in each bone will also increase about 4% per year from the age of 10 years old until the end of puberty.

Food group to help children increase height:

Protein-rich foods help increase height and weight

Children gain good weight, newly developed optimal height. Children 6-11 years old need about 1,600-2,200 calories a day, almost the same as adults. The amount of protein accounts for about 15% of the total dietary energy, equivalent to 32-50g. Every day need to eat about 150-200g of meat, fish, eggs, milk, shrimp, crabs, beans .

Animal protein contains a lot of iron, helps to prevent anemia, build cell structure, develop sex hormones, increase immunity. Animal protein should account for over 30% of the total protein. For example, a child who needs 40g of protein can eat 75g of fish meat (30%), 100g (70%) of dairy products and tofu.

Foods rich in calcium help with long and dense bones

Calcium is an important component of 99% of bone and tooth structure. Children are provided with enough calcium, bones will be stronger and longer, increase height and prevent osteoporosis later. Children 6-7 years old need 650mg; 8-9 years old need 700mg, 10-11 years old need 1,000mg of calcium daily.

Calcium is found in milk and milk products (cheese, yogurt .), beans, shrimp, crabs, oysters, clams, oysters, mussels and small fish as well as bones, dark green vegetables (cauliflower). , spinach.). The body absorbs calcium from milk best. According to the recommendations of the National Institute of Nutrition, children aged 6-11 should drink about 200-250ml of liquid milk every day, in addition to eating other preparations such as yogurt, cheese.

Fatty foods provide energy, increase the absorption of vitamin D

Fat not only provides energy for the active elementary school age, but it is also a solvent that dissolves vitamin D, a synthetic vitamin from the sun. Without vitamin D, the intestine cannot absorb calcium and phosphorus, leading to rickets, growth retardation, bowing legs.

Fat (oil, fat) should account for 20-30% of the energy intake, about 40-70g per day. Saturated fats are found in meat and animal fats. Unsaturated fats are found in fish and vegetable oils. Children should be supplemented with both.

Foods containing vitamin K2 help pull calcium into the bones

After vitamin D helps the body absorb calcium in the intestine, vitamin K2 will pull calcium straight into the bone. Vitamin D stimulates the body to make osteocalcin protein to transport calcium. Vitamin K2 will activate osteocalcin, commanding to attach calcium to the correct bone matrix.

"Vitamin K2 is responsible for transporting calcium to the bones. It also activates the Gla protein matrix (MGP), preventing calcium from settling excessively in blood vessels, liver, and kidneys. Vitamin K2 not only supports height gain, but also prevent the risk of diseases caused by excess calcium, "Dr. Son said.



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