Common mistakes when taking care of baby under 6 months of age

Do not keep it clean for the younger

This may seem very trivial, but it is very important to maintain the health of infants. If you have friends or relatives come to visit new born baby, you should suggest washing hands clean before closing the child or when they are cold or cough should not come near the baby.

This is very important, because infants under six months of age are still in the process of the immune system, the resistance of the baby is still very immature to be adapted to the changes of the environment. Also, don't get the babies under six months of age to travel to avoid the crowd aimed at limiting the infectious disease spread through exposure and through the respiratory tract.

To the child sleeping throughout the night or sleeping on too, the three that don't suck

Really wrong if you to sleep during a night-long young or sleeping on too, the three without waking the baby up to baby. This is also a very common error for those first time parents. According to the experts, you should wake the baby after 3 hours/once, this very habit should be maintained in the first two weeks of the new baby's birth.

Because the child slept in a long time that has not been easy going mom suck at risk of dehydration in the body. In addition, the young long sleep to eight hours is cause for children with jaundice. More dangerous, the prolonged sleep with babies may be the "culprits" do children with fell into a coma.

Concerned for bathroom

Many parents are so afraid to work for bathroom because that will make baby bath prone colds and sick. However, for bathroom is essential. Because newborns constantly warped the old lining exposed room, relax when baby still in the womb, so bathing will bring the baby to feel clean.

When the child to illness should still clean change clothes for babies, or those on low heat need clean, fast bath for children with warm water in the sheltered rooms and warm brewed right after the bath the room cold.

Do not select the proper clothes to wear for baby

You should not wear baby clothes don't fit the weather. Such as over again for baby wear tight clothes or vice versa. The body of the infant often becomes hotter. So, you need to choose appropriate clothing for the baby should not be too tight.

For a child to sleep in the prone position

Many parents put children prone to avoid reflux. But according to the research results on the infant showed older prone sleeping on a soft blanket has the risk of SIDS (sudden infant death syndrome) or sudden death syndrome in infants is higher than supine sleeping infants do when prone on a soft blanket , children are at risk of suffocation.

Use of antibiotics are not justified

Many parents keep sick children is for the use of antibiotics. In fact, antibiotics are not good for the health of children, especially the baby's immature body. Antibiotics are also not appropriate for the treatment of viral diseases such as influenza, diarrhea, vomiting and sore throat.

Antibiotics can only be used to treat diseases caused by bacteria. In addition, the abuse of antibiotics can make the bacteria become resistant to the drug and reduce the effects of the drug when the disease actually should infection antibiotic use.

Improper medication dosage

Many parents for baby use half the dose of children's dose. This is a fallacious opinion, easily lead to drug poisoning for children because the drug doses in infants and young children are very different. Need to use the dose of the medication according to the child's weight and use as directed by your doctor .

To dangerous objects near the reach of the baby

The baby very ham discover new things around them but the ability to protect themselves. So, whenever possible, you pay attention to the area around the House to see the dangerous objects easily accessible are young or not. Avoid items such as vases, ashtrays or glass objects, sockets, wires, sharp furniture and medicine.=



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