Discover the fruits of healing for baby

1. Banana pepper

In the new study, scientists have been exploring the many uses of banana fruit and pepper as medicine natural cures ' encyclopedia ' diseases effectively.

Firstly, bananas help reduce blood cholesterol. High blood cholesterol will cause cardiovascular diseases. In the banana pepper has a control blood cholesterol.

Second, banana pepper also helps the brain produce a type of chemical substance has the effect of improving mood, avoid insomnia and help children eat more healthy, delicious food. In addition, if older poor digestion, the banana pepper is also the improvement of the situation effectively.

2. Papaya

Young eyes have to work too hard will cause a large amount of vitamin A was expendable. According to the study, yellow fruits with beta-carotene rich and easily absorbed into the body than the kind of gold-green vegetables. Not only that, beta-carotene in yellow fruit is still better, and can be transformed into vitamin a. comprehensive therefore, papayas are the top choices in the yellow fruit to protect children's eyes.

3. Cucumber

In addition to the types of medication to cure sore throats, parents can also use cucumber as a herb that has the effect of relieving pain of burning the throat children. Simply each when young mother give me sore throat, gargle with it's pressed the cucumber few times in October. Or when a child has skin redness, I pressed the cucumber get lotions to the skin several times a day. Ensure effective.

4. Watermelon

Not random watermelon is considered the ' King of fruits ' summer. According to medical science, watermelon are sweet cool, non toxic, help diuretic and chrome treatment ran efficiently.

Usually, the habits of many parents is to just eat the Red gut part of white-fleshed and cases left the Bowler's throw away. In fact, the white-fleshed is chrome rust ran efficiently. Children with chrome ran bitten, please get just a white-fleshed melons rubbing up itching. Rubbing off water, the dry fruit pulp layer cut away, rubbing, rubbing repeatedly for two days will cease itching and reduced chrome.

5. Pineapple

The pineapple is rich in fiber, enzymes stimulates digestion, calcium and potassium. Pineapple is also abundantly manganese-chemicals needed to build bones. Vitamin C in the pineapple gives baby a good resistance, helping the body to enhance iron absorption. In addition, bromelain pineapple has in the works to help baby to prevent whooping cough.

6. Grape

You are trying to improve your child's eating habits? So, please consider making the grape reserves. A study on the Fitnea page noted, children eat grapes and grape products users can aggregate multiple nutrients and eating better. More amazing, this fruit helps to strengthen the immune system by increasing the amount of gamma and delta T cells in the body. So, when a child has a cold, the Kids try to drink grape juice, you will see results instantly.

In addition, the grapes have the effect target phlegm, can "clean" the respiratory tract and have the ability to do dilation of the blood vessels, blood circulation support easily.

7. Mango

In Mango contains the enzyme that helps break down protein, created favorable conditions for absorption into the body. Had fiber in Mango also helps the digestive system work more efficiently. In particular, high in vitamin C content of the mango helps reduce cholesterol levels in the body is young, especially LDL bad cholesterol.

Above all, the mango contains glutamine acid-a type of substance is known to improve memory effect and keep the brain cell activity. Eat regular mango is enhancing the ability to memorize and learn more information. Winifred Mango also has iron, so this fruit helps young body overcome anemia, especially iron-deficiency anemia.

8. Kiwi

Kiwi fruit is also known as a type of "Super fruit". A kiwi gives you vitamins, minerals, calories are in over 27 common fruits for

Not a few cases of children with dental bleeding caused by lack of vitamin C To improve this situation, the kiwi is the number 1 nominations for parents by this type of fruits are rich in vitamin C content in fruits.

9. Blueberries

This is very good for the eyes, brain, against cardiovascular diseases of the urinary tract is even small children. They are medical experts rated is beneficial fruits for health.

This is very good for the eyes, brain, against heart disease even as the urinary tract.

10. Citrus

Oranges are rich in vitamin C, antioxidants. They house the Tangerine Orange is one of the very good food for your baby's health. Citrus provides essential vitamins help boost energy, improve vision and healing.

Medical experts said, the kind of thụộc citrus fruit also contain more vitamin C, antioxidants, they also contain more vitamin A, has the effect of increasing the health of teeth, skin, bone and improve eyesight.

11. The Apple

Apple provides vitamins A, C, E ... You can get water or distilled Apple juice for babies to eat or drink to prevent the respiratory disease. Apple's fiber also helps to prevent constipation.=



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