For the son is diabetic retinopathy are really good?

We all know, when you were young, the baby's nervous system is still in the process of finalizing, the hammocks shaking when for baby to sleep will adversely affect the process of improving a child's nervous system.

Baby hammock is also not good for the spine. The curved spinal disease in children is one of the relatively common disease, and the main cause leading to this disease is by the sagging is often. The curved length of the hammock will affect the spine which is very soft, and not yet calcified. A pull in more harm is when humpback, the chest would not bloom was lead to the heart, the lungs also may not work well.

An unwanted effect anymore when kids lie often hinder the sagging process of brain development and your baby's muscles. Young children, especially in phase 3, 4 months old, the body needs to be active, swing and swing legs, hands and start volume, flip. All these activities should have the full blood circulation to the brain, helps the brain develop better. If the baby is sagging, often going hard campaigning, and could not be triggered, making the body development is restricted. Not to mention, if the baby tries to set up on the hammock would be susceptible to falls and very dangerous.

The hammock is often also influence the psychological development of the child. To the psychological development of a child the way rich, late need to be exposed to real life by the action crawling, crawling, walking, running, holding, holding a. .. and grossly normal must be sagging, only to observe what happens above the ceiling and an area of indirect contact.

In particular, when children cry or when bedtime for a child, parents often choose the hammock as an effective measure. But really, the placing of the child down the sagging vậu will make the child of fear gripped her hands and holding your unsure. Next up is the vibration shake well all of rhythm brought hammocks will make kids nervous fatigue and to protect the young, nervous to sleep but the sleep in a State of fear, inhibition. They must absolutely not good for the psychology of the child.

Tips for parents still want to give my child is sagging

Parents should just let baby sleep hammock on short daytime periods. If to your baby to sleep in it all night is not good for the baby. Is your baby comfortable, causing sagging posture is not comfortable, not conducive to the child's physical development.

To help baby bent back and comparison role, parents can purchase a projector lined down hammocks or hammock, is mother to baby is on people. As a result, the baby's spine will grow better.

Sleep with the baby is very important. Parents should give children a comfortable sleeping posture. the best you should give the child lying on the bed, dang dang foot hand for comfort.=



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